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Pediatrics Senior Officer at RBC: Deadline:16/Mar/2020

Job Description
Provide a technical assistance in the elaboration of national policy of decentralization of pediatric Care and treatment services.
– Ensure trainings of providers and trainers in HIV pediatric care and treatment in the country.
– Elaboration of informations and reports to MOH and all partners to fight HIV AIDS
– Plan and coordinate the implementation of the care and treatment of Children co
– infected with TB and HIV.
– Organize training for trainers in matters of Pediatrics treatment of Opportunistic infections
– Revise and develop strategic plans of action in the area of HIV pediatrics. Fully participation in global care and treatment activities within HIV Division/IHDPC • Follow up of the new programs of pediatric care and treatment in the country
– Participate in clinical research activities in HIV Division/IHPDC and partners research institutions
– Participate in the development of training curricula and other manuals and protocols for the comprehensive care of HIV+ patients, and particularly for the care of Children co
– infected with TB and HIV in collaboration with the TB and Leprosy Division
 Job Profile
Bachelor’s Degree in General Medicine, Nursing or Master’s degree in Global Health, Public Health, Epidemiology with clinical background Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Development of measurable objectives, operational plans and measurable indicators/targets for adolescent health programs and project;
– Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with donors, implementing partners and other stakeholders;
– Ability to manage multiple priorities and projects;
– Extensive knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system;
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research Skills & Writing skills;
– Creative, proactive, customer focused, solutions led and outcome driven skills;
– Interpersonal skills
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.



Substance Abuse Disorders Coordination Senior Officer at RBC: Deadline:16/Mar/2020

Job Description
1. To contribute to the elaboration and implementation of the national policy of fight against drug abuse and alcohol 2. Set of sensitisation and prevention programs against drug abuse and alcohol 3. Integration drug abuse service in the general care and contribute to the National plan and organization of services for treatment of substance use disorders 4.To be the focal point for the integration MH
– HIV (training of HIV clinicians in MH care and vice versa, mentorship, etc.) and other public health program in RBC and MoH 5. Ensure the integration of prevention and psychosocial rehabilitation programs for persons with mental disorders related to drug abuse and alcohol 6. Contribute in internal and external resource mobilisation 7. Ensure continuum of care between prevention, treatment and rehabilitation In collaboration with all Mental Health stakeholders, Ministry of Justice, Rwanda National Police, MYICT and others :
– Elaborate and implement the national policy of fight against drug abuse and alcohol In collaboration with the Ministry of Health:
– Set up and organize services for treatment of substance use disorders: Integration in the general care at the district hospital level Creation of specific services
 Job Profile
Bachelor’s Degree in Psychiatry, Psychiatrist Nurse, Psychology, Philosophy Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Good knowledge of Rwanda Health System;
– Knowledge on management of drug abuse and alcohol program;
– Knowledge and technical expertise in Mental Health;
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research Skills & Writing skills;
– Creative, proactive, customer focused, solutions led and outcome driven skills;
– Interpersonal skills.
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.




Reproductive Health Officer at RBC: 16/Mar/2020

Job Description
– Support decentralized level to have high level of knowledge of reproductive health among the population;
– support to increasing number of health facilities and providers providing reproductive health methods;
– Support in conducting studies on reproductive health for better understanding of the problems.
– Support districts to improve the quality of services offered by health providers, particularly to manage reproductive health.
– Support in the design and disseminate service standards, protocols, flowcharts, service guides.
– Support in the organization of supervision at all levels, including the private sector.
– Conduct regular assessment of hospital capacity focusing is on reproductive health services
– Support in the integrated supervision of health facilities with M&E Division
– Support to refine reproductive health indicators and corresponding data collection tools with HMIS.
 Job Profile
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health, Global Health or Master’s Degree in Public Health, Global Health Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Broad knowledge and skills in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child & Adolescent Health Programmes;
– Experience in data collection, analysis, management and/or presentation of data;
– Familiarity with current evidence
– based public health and preventive medicine practices;
– Knowledge of Reproductive Health Program development, implementation, and evaluation;
– Interpersonal Skills;
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.




Immunization Epidemiology Senior Officer at RBC: Deadline:16/Mar/2020

 Job Description
– To organize elaboration of all VPDD action plans ( Weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually )
– Feed back of all supervision activities done by VPDD staff to all hospitals realizing strengths, weakness, and recommendations.
– To organize elaboration of Quarterly VPDD bulletin for feedback
– To coordinate elaboration of all VPDD report involving entire Division ( Monthly Progress report, Quarterly report of Division, Quarterly report to share with PM office, annual report, reports from immunization campaign)
– To monitor implementation of action plans ( weekly plan, monthly plan, quarterly plan, annual plan)
– Permanent Monitoring of Health facilities to maintain high level of completeness and timeliness of monthly reports of immunization activities
– Prepare data quality audit of immunization activities and share the results during self
– evaluation meetings with hospitals teams.
– To organize research program and surveys in relation of the immunization program
– Approved strategic and operational plan for the division (Shared with ISS unit)
– Timeliness reporting of all division activities (Shared with ISS unit)
– Regular follow up/ supervision and M&E of immunization activities in Health facilities (ISS Unit/VPDD, PMEBS/RBC)
– Providing mentorship and coaching on vaccination activities to Health care providers
 Job Profile
Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, Public Health, Epidemiology, Global Health with background of Health Sciences Studies Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Knowledge in Vaccinology, pathogenesis research lab or translational immunology lab;
– Development of measurable objectives, operational plans and measurable indicators/targets for public health programs and project;
– Ability to synthesize scientific factors toward strategic decision making;
– Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with donors, implementing partners and other stakeholders;
– Ability to manage multiple priorities and projects;
– Good knowledge of Rwanda Health System;
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research Skills & Writing skills;
– Creative, proactive, customer focused, solutions led and outcome driven skills;
– Interpersonal skills;
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.




Director of Community Programs Unit at RBC: Deadline: 16/Mar/2020

 Job Description
– Coordinate regular evaluation on Community Programs performances at the districts level.
– Liaise the Unit with others partners and Units in relation to MCH activities
– Evaluate quarterly, annually performance of the personnel of the Unit.
– Prepare timely report of community desk and submit to the head of the unit;
– Coordinate and advise on the policy issues pertaining to Unit as well as population awareness
– Keep the Unit and other RBC staff update with latest development in his/her domain
– Conduct advocacy with all potential actors to promote improved awareness of Community Health
– Delivers comprehensive evaluation of direct reports complete with development plans followed up by active coaching; ensures that staff under him/her are evaluated and developed. With PMEBS Division
– Ensure integration of the component community health program in the channel of integrated supervision With RHCC
– Support the Currying out public awareness on community health With MPDD Division
– Follow the Management of Community drugs in collaboration with districts pharmacies With Health Financing unit.
– Support the proper management of CHWs cooperatives
 Job Profile
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health, Global Health with at least 3 years of working experience in the national coordination program or Master’s Degree in Public Health, Global Health with at least 2 years of relevant working experience in the national coordination programs Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of population
– based public health and ability to apply these principles in a local health areas;
– Knowledge of principles and practice of effective public health administration;
– Knowledge of and ability to design and carry out epidemiological analyses (including data on health disparities) and apply results to program planning and operations;
– Knowledge of environmental health;
– Knowledge of community level and population
– based health promotion, social and behavioral health sciences;
– Familiarity with current evidence
– based public health and preventive medicine practices;
– Program development, implementation, and evaluation skills;
– Interpersonal skills;
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.




Director of HIV/AIDS Care & Treatment Unit at RBC: Deadline:16/Mar/2020


Job Description

Coordinate Planning and implementation of comprehensive guidelines for care and support of PLWH
– Support Health Care providers with comprehensive skills and mentoring for clinical management of HIV AIDS and related diseases
– Coordinate Psychosocial support,nutrition for PLWA in need according to guidelines
– Coordinate HIV AIDS Care and Treatment technical working groups including implementing partners in the program area
– Promote interventions for pediatric and adolescent care in a special way for better clinical outcomes
– Ensure implementation science and inform policy changes in the area of HIVAIDS care and support
– Provide technical tools and guidelines, clinical and patient education
– Provide unit technical reports and strategic information as need arises
– Support Unit staff continuous education and capacity building
– Delivers comprehensive evaluation of direct reports complete with development plans followed up by active coaching; ensures that staff under him/her are evaluated and developed In collaboration with All Implementing partners in HIV AIDS Care and treatment , :
– Ensure most updated guidelines and protocols are available and updated accordingly
– Onsite coaching and mentorship for health care providers
– Conduct Operational research in the area of HIV care and support, to improve quality care and prevent drug resistances Ensure ARVs, Laboratory commodities supply chain system is not interrupted in collaboration with MPPD,NRL, Health facilities,and partners Working with MoH, Clinical Services DG, follow compliance of health care providers to national care and treatment guidelines.
 Job Profile
Bachelor’s Degree in General medicine with at least 3 years of relevant working experience in HIV management, in public health or HIV care and treatment or Master’s Degree in Global Health, Public Health, Epidemiology with at least 2 years of relevant working experience in HIV management , public health or HIV care and treatment. Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Development of measurable objectives, operational plans and measurable indicators/targets for public health programs and project;
– Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with donors, implementing partners and other stakeholders;
– Ability to manage multiple priorities and projects;
– Extensive knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system;
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research Skills & Writing skills;
– Creative, proactive, customer focused, solutions led and outcome driven skills;
– Interpersonal skills
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.




Director of Prevention Unit : Deadline 16 March 2020


Job description

1. Ensure quantification of malaria prevention commodities;

2. Ensure coordination and dissemination of malaria prevention tools;

3. Develop and ensure utilization and compliance of prevention tools at all levels;

4. Ensure availability of malaria prevention commodities at all levels (central to community level);

5. Monitoring and follow up the distribution of LLINs through the routine services (ANC and EPI) and mass campaign;

6. Monitoring and follow up of the implementation of the national policy on prevention of malaria;

7. Submit reports on the activities in relation to malaria prevention;

8. Provide technical support to the district hospitals in training and supervision of prevention activities;

9. Participate actively in the updating of key documents ( guidelines, policies) of the national policy for malaria prevention;

10. Participate in research related to malaria prevention;

10. Delivers comprehensive evaluation of direct reports complete with development plans followed up by active coaching; ensures that staff under him/her are evaluated and developed

11. Ensure the implementation of malaria prevention activities;

12. Ensure the monitoring of malaria prevention activities implementation;

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in General Medicine, Nursing with at least 3 years of relevant working experience in infectious disease program or vector borne diseases prevention program or Master’s Degree in Public Health, Global Health Epidemiology with nursing background.with at least 3 years of relevant work experience in infectious disease program or in vector borne diseases prevention program. Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Ability to learn and apply investigative methods, laws, regulations pertaining to pest control and management;
– Familiar with a variety of the field’s concepts, practices, and procedures;
– Proven participation in recognized research/assessment of infectious diseases;
– Knowledge in Malaria Care and Treatment;
– Extensive knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system;
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research Skills & Writing skills;
– Creative, proactive, customer focused, solutions led and outcome driven skills;
– Interpersonal skills
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision
– making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.


Director of Center for Blood Transfusion RCBT-KARONGI : Deadline 16/Mar/2020


Job description

Ensure all practices and conditions intended to blood donor and recipients safety are in place.
– Implement strategies of blood donation promotion within the area served by the RCBT;
– Organize blood collection in the area served by RCBT;
– Ensure analysis and distribution of blood and blood products in the hospitals located in the area served by RCBT;
– Validate all blood units prior to being used for transfusion;
– Validate all serology and immuno
– hematology results prior to notification;
– Ensuring the implementation of the NCBT QMS in the RCBT daily operations.
– Ensuring timely evaluation of adverse reactions and appropriate reporting according to defined processes;
– Ensuring regular Training of both RCBT and Hospital staff as regards the best Blood transfusion practices.
– Pre
– approval of exceptions to policy, processes and procedures on a case
– by
– case basis including documentation;
– Elaborate a research programme related to validation and adoption of new techniques;
– Serve as link with National Reference Laboratory;
– Perform any other duty deemed necessary by the supervisor;
– Report to the Head of RBC/NCBT division.
– Delivers comprehensive evaluation of direct reports complete with development plans followed up by active coaching; ensures that staff under him/her are evaluated and developed.In collaboration with all other RCBTs and the top NCBT management the director:
– Ensures a steady supply of Blood and Blood products to all Transfusing Health facilities in the country. In collaboration with all Hospitals:
– Ensures a rational Blood utilization and an efficient management of adverse Transfusion Reactions to patients.

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in General Medicine with at least 3 years of relevant working experience or Master’s Degree in Transfusion Medicine, Hematology or Immunology with at least 2 years of relevant working experience. Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Extensive knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system;
– Knowledge in value of Laboratory medicine to the health care;
– Knowledge in Laboratory information systems;
– Knowledge in Laboratory medicine Technology;
– Knowledge in Medical Procedures and Operations;
– Knowledge in Care Diagnostics;
– Knowledge in Medical Devices & Diagnostics Products;
– Knowledge in Laboratory standardization and harmonization;
– Deep knowledge in quality and safety of blood transfusion in the health facilities;
– Knowledge in Code of ethics for blood donation and transfusion;
– Knowledge in National Blood Policy;
– Skills in providing safe, effective and adequate Blood and Blood products;
– Leadership skills;
– Skills in Laboratory planning skills;
– Deep knowledge in Analyzing Laboratory system;
– Knowledge in the structure of the national laboratory system
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research & writing skills;
– Interpersonal skills;
– Effective communication skills;
– Time management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French language; knowledge of all is an advantage.


NTD Research Senior Officer at RCBT: Deadline 16 March 2020


Job description

– Develop research/survey protocols on Neglected Tropical Diseases
– Ensure that NTD drug efficacy studies are conducted according GCP and GLP
– Coordinate Malaria and NTD studies and surveys
– Analyse data collected in different NTD research
– Write reports of NTD research conducted
– Perform other related duties as assigned by supervisors
– Ensure quality of NTD research data
– Ensure that NTD studies are conducted according GCP/GLP
– Conduct close Follow up the NTD research
– Ensure Writing of reports of Malaria and NTD studies conducted

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in General Medicine or Master’s Degree in Epidemiology, Global Health, Public Health Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Ability to learn and apply investigative methods, laws, regulations pertaining to pest control and management;
– Familiar with a variety of the field’s concepts, practices, and procedures;
– Proven participation in recognized research/assessment of infectious diseases;
– Knowledge in Malaria Care and Treatment;
– Extensive knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system;
– Knowledge in Epidemiology in GPLC;
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research Skills & Writing skills;
– Creative, proactive, customer focused, solutions led and outcome driven skills;
– Interpersonal skills,
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision
– making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.



Director of Center for Blood Transfusion RCBT-RUHENGERI: 16/Mar/2020


Job description

– Ensure all practices and conditions intended to blood donor and recipients safety are in place.
– Implement strategies of blood donation promotion within the area served by the RCBT;
– Organize blood collection in the area served by RCBT;
– Ensure analysis and distribution of blood and blood products in the hospitals located in the area served by RCBT;
– Validate all blood units prior to being used for transfusion;
– Validate all serology and immuno
– hematology results prior to notification;
– Ensuring the implementation of the NCBT QMS in the RCBT daily operations.
– Ensuring timely evaluation of adverse reactions and appropriate reporting according to defined processes;
– Ensuring regular Training of both RCBT and Hospital staff as regards the best Blood transfusion practices.
– Pre
– approval of exceptions to policy, processes and procedures on a case
– by
– case basis including documentation;
– Elaborate a research programme related to validation and adoption of new techniques;
– Serve as link with National Reference Laboratory;
– Perform any other duty deemed necessary by the supervisor;
– Report to the Head of RBC/NCBT division.
– Delivers comprehensive evaluation of direct reports complete with development plans followed up by active coaching; ensures that staff under him/her are evaluated and developed

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in General Medicine with at least 3 years of relevant working experience or Master’s Degree in Transfusion Medicine, Hematology or Immunology with at least 2 years of relevant working experience. Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Extensive knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system;
– Knowledge in value of Laboratory medicine to the health care;
– Knowledge in Laboratory information systems;
– Knowledge in Laboratory medicine Technology;
– Knowledge in Medical Procedures and Operations;
– Knowledge in Care Diagnostics;
– Knowledge in Medical Devices & Diagnostics Products;
– Knowledge in Laboratory standardization and harmonization;
– Deep knowledge in quality and safety of blood transfusion in the health facilities;
– Knowledge in Code of ethics for blood donation and transfusion;
– Knowledge in National Blood Policy;
– Skills in providing safe, effective and adequate Blood and Blood products;
– Leadership skills;
– Skills in Laboratory planning skills;
– Deep knowledge in Analyzing Laboratory system;
– Knowledge in the structure of the national laboratory system
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research & writing skills;
– Interpersonal skills;
– Effective communication skills;
– Time management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French language; knowledge of all is an advantage.


Director of Health Facility Programs Unit at RBC: 16/Mar/2020


Job description

Coordinate regular evaluation on Maternal/Reproductive and Child health Programs performances at the districts level.
– Liaise the Unit with others partners and Units in relation to MCH activities
– Evaluate quarterly, annually performance of the personnel of the Unit.
– Prepare timely report of Maternal/Reproductive and Child health and submit to the head of the division;
– Coordinate and advise on the policy issues pertaining to Unit as well as population awareness
– Keep the Unit and other RBC staff update with latest development in his/her domain
– Conduct advocacy with all potential actors to promote improved awareness of Community Health
– Delivers comprehensive evaluation of direct reports complete with development plans followed up by active coaching; ensures that staff under him/her are evaluated and developed Ensure integration of the component Maternal/Reproductive and Child health health program in the channel of integrated supervision with the Division of M&E. Support the Currying out public awareness on Maternal/Reproductive and Child health with RHCC Division Follow the Management of Maternal/Reproductive and Child health in collaboration with districts pharmacies: MPDD Division

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health, Epidemiology, Global Health, Nursing with at least 3 years of relevant working experience in clinical service or Master’s Degree in Public Health, Epidemiology, Global Health or in Clinical Service Delivery with at least 2 years or relevant working experience in clinical service Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Knowledge of community
– based health systems;
– Knowledge of Program development, implementation, and evaluation;
– Interpersonal skills;
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.


Director of Medical Entoomology Unit at RBC:Deadline:16/03/2020


Job description

1. Plans, validates and supervises with staff in the unit on the execution of laboratory operations according to the strategic and action plans as well as respond appropriately to laboratory entomological services and research in collaboration with other divisions;

2. Prepare/ review protocols and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the entomology unit; carry out training within the national Laboratory Network;

3. Participate and coordinate laboratory method validation, operationalization/ deployment, quality assurance and control within the laboratory and partner with other international research institutions on relevant vector borne diseases;

4. Prepares and submits periodical reports to the HoD on progress of planned activities and budget reviews/ execution;
5. Delivers comprehensive evaluation of direct reports complete with development plans followed up by active coaching
6. Participate, supervise and carry out refresher training courses for laboratory technologists in the identification of vectors and vector borne diseases of public health importance such as yellow fever, trypanosomiasis, epidemic typhus fever and malaria in collaboration with Malaria and Other Parasitic Diseases Division (MOPDD) and Epidemic Infectious Diseases Division (EID);

7. Coordinate laboratory investigations and participate in the supervision of prevention and control measures of infected vectors in human population/ communities in collaboration with Malaria and Other Parasitic Diseases Division (MOPDD) and Epidemic Infectious Diseases Division (EID);

8. Carry out operational and fundamental research activities and assists the Head of NRL Division (HoD) in collaboration with Ministry of Health, RBC/Medical Research Centre (MRC) and other international research institutions on research;

9. Support the coordination of Laboratory activities in the national surveillance and response of vector borne diseases of public health importance such as yellow fever, trypanosomiasis, epidemic typhus fever and malaria with Head of NRL Division, Directors of Microbiology and Laboratory Network Coordination Units;

10. Participate in continuous training in laboratory quality management and good clinical laboratory practice with Head of NRL Division, Directors of EQA & QC and Laboratory Network Coordination Units.

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Sciences with at least 3 years of relevant working experience in a recognized Laboratory or Master’s Degree in Biomedical Laboratory sciences with at least 2 years of relevant working experience in a recognized Laboratory. Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Extensive knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system;
– Knowledge in Public health entomology;
– Ability to work in Entomology Laboratory;
– Knowledge in Insects that should cause diseases;
– Knowledge in interactions of the arboviruses and their hosts;
– Leadership skills;
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research & writing skills;
– Interpersonal skills;
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French language; knowledge of all is an advantage.


Health facilities Senior Officer at RBC:Deadline: 16/03/2020


Job description

Improvement of quality of MH care Keep review and disseminate standards and good practices evaluation and follow up of Mental health and HIV integrated activities Update Mental Health legal documents In collaboration with MPDD
– Ensure availability of psychotropic drugs and their good use In collaboration with HIV Division
– Implement strategies of decentralization and integration of mental health
– Improvement of quality of mental health care of people living with HIV In collaboration with referral and specialized mental health services and DHs
– Supervision, training and establishment of the standard and guidelines of treatment

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Psychology or Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, Public Health, Global Health, Epidemiology with background in Nursing, Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Good knowledge of Rwanda Health System;
– Knowledge and technical expertise in Mental Health;
– Ability to manage multiple priorities and projects;
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research Skills & Writing skills;
– Creative, proactive, customer focused, solutions led and outcome driven skills;
– Interpersonal skills;
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.


Injuries and Disabilities Officer at RBC: Deadline: 16/03/2020


Job description

Develop protocols, guidelines and standards for diagnosis, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation for injuries and disabilities
– Set up a surveillance system for injuries
– Conduct regular surveys on prevalence and risk factors of injuries and disabilities
– Build capacity of health care providers for a proper injuries and disabilities management
– Develop and implement mentorship and supervision plan to health care providers
– Carry out monitoring and evaluation activities
– Develop quarterly and annual report
– To perform any other task assigned by his/her superiors In collaboration with M&E unit in RBC
– Participate in monitoring and evaluation activities
– Support in selecting key indicators for cancers prevention and control program
– Participate in data analysis for NCDs division In collaboration with MRC
– Participate in development of research protocols ( study design)

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in General Medicine, Physiotherapy with clinical background experience is an added advantage or Master’s Degree in Public Health, Global Health. Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Good knowledge of Rwanda Health System;
– Knowledge of Injuries and Disabilities;
– Ability to manage multiple priorities and projects;
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research Skills & Writing skills;
– Creative, proactive, customer focused, solutions led and outcome driven skills;
– Interpersonal skills;
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.


Director Outbreak Preparedness and Response Unit at RBC: Deadline: 16/03/2020


Job description

1. Oversee and provide national strategy for epidemic prevention and control in alignment with the global health security and international health regulation;

2. Coordinate and organize outbreaks investigations and after actions review;

3. Provide capacity building for the Field Epidemiology Training Program;

4. Conduct epidemics risk mapping and simulation exercises for readiness;

5. Prepare an annual work plan and ensure adequate implementation;

6. Update and develop technical documents/guideline/SoPs for preparedness and response to epidemics and other public health threats;

7. Ensure stockpiles of drugs, vaccines and supplies for epidemic preparedness and response

8. Other duties assigned by supervisors

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in General Medicine with at least 3 years of relevant working experience in global health security and international health regulation or Master’s Degree in Field Epidemiology & Laboratory Training Program (FELTP) , Biostatistics, General Medicine, Public Health, Global Health with at least 2 years of relevant working experience in global health security and international health regulation. Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Good knowledge of Rwanda Health System;
– Knowledge of public health communicable disease prevention;
– Knowledge and technical expertise in preparedness, disease surveillance and response;
– Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with donors, implementing partners and other stakeholders;
– Ability to manage multiple priorities and projects;
– Extensive knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system;
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research Skills & Writing skills;
– Creative, proactive, customer focused, solutions led and outcome driven skills;
– Interpersonal skills
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.


Director of Finance at RBC: Deadline: 16/03/2020


Job description

Ensure that eligible payments are made on time and in respect of the law
– Ensure that financial reports are submitted within required time frame
– To ensure that financial audits are well prepared and coordinated
– Participate in budget preparation and implementation
– strategically Manage staff of the Unit
– Delivers comprehensive evaluation of direct reports complete with development plans followed up by active coaching; ensures that directors under him/her are evaluated and developed In collaboration with All RBC divisions;
– Activities reflected in the plan of action are implemented
– Divisions should ensure that accomplished activities should be supported with source documents In collaboration with Corporate services Division;
– Procurement unit: Eligible tenders should be awarded and the value for money should always be considered
– Human Resource unit: Payroll is prepared to only RBC staff and eligible deductions should always be made
– Administration unit: Fixed assets register with full information should be mantained to record all purchases made to RBC
– ICT unit: Unstable Internet connectivity for reliability of accounting software

Job profile:

Master’s Degree in Finance, Accounting, Management with specialization in Finance or Accounting with 2 years of relevant working experience in finance or Bachelor’s Degree in Finance or, Accounting, Management with specialization in Finance or Accounting with at least 3 years of working experience in Finance and financial Management. Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Knowledge of Rwanda’s financial management standards and procedures;
– Knowledge of Accounting principles and practices and financial data reporting;
– Knowledge of Management of Material Resources;
– Knowledge of supply chain management;
– Knowledge of Rwanda Public Financial Law;
– Leadership and management skills;
– Planning and organizational, Budgeting skills;
– Communication skills;
– Strong IT skills, particularly in Financial software (SMART IFMIS);
– Time management skills;
– Interviewing skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– High Analytic & Complex Problem solving;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage


Director of Health Promotion Unitat RBC: Deadline:16/03/2020


Job description

Lead the behavior and social change communication programming in Rwanda

• Lead the development and implementation of comprehensive evidence and results
– based strategic behavior and social change communication interventions and plans that facilitate social transformation and behavior change.

• Analyze health
– related research reports and identify gaps that can be filled with behavior and social change communication initiatives.

• Establish and create a forum where organizations will be required to present their BCC programmes and products for technical input.

• Provide technical guidance and facilitate the development of appropriate evidence
– based communication strategies, plans and initiatives and facilitate regular review of all BCC policies, strategic plans and initiatives

• Provide recommendations on strategic approaches, channels, messages and all health communication products to all BCC implementing agencies to conform to recent theories, developments and national needs.

• Delivers comprehensive evaluation of direct reports complete with development plans followed up by active coaching; ensures that staff under him/her are evaluated and developed Through close collaboration with All RBC divisions and the entire health sector:

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, Mass Communication, Public Relations, Journalism, Public Health, Global Health with at least 3 years of relevant working experience in the area of behavior change communication, health promotion, community mobilization or Master’s Degree in Health Promotion, Communication, Mass Communication, Public Relations, Journalism or Public Health, Global Health with at least 2 year of relevant working experience in the area of behavior change communication, health promotion, community mobilization. Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Knowledge of Rwanda’s Health ICT policies and strategies;
– Knowledge on Word processing, spreadsheet, multimedia software
– Excellent communication skills both oral and in writing
– Excellent interpersonal skills;
– Report writing & Presentation skills;
– Creativity & Initiative;
– Good Organizational and Time
– management Skills;
– Team working Skills;
– Effective Public relations & Public speaking skills;
– Interviewing Skills’
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.


Director of Injuries and Disabilities Unit at RBC: Deadline:16/Mar/2020


Job description

Elaborate management tools and guidelines on the prevention and management of injuries
– Train health care providers on the management of injuries
– Elaborate the surveillance system of injuries
– Ensure coordinated mechanisms of injuries prevention and management initiatives In collaboration with relevant institutions
– Participate in empowerment projects of people living with disabilities
– Train health care providers on the communication with people living with disabilities
– organize community mobilization/Raise awareness of the population on the prevention of injuries and disabilities
– Collaboration with the PMES division to organize and coordinate monitoring and evaluation activities
– Delivers comprehensive evaluation of direct reports complete with development plans followed up by active coaching; ensures that staff under him/her are evaluated and developed In collaboration with other units in NCDs
– Conduct campaigns on the prevention and management of NCDs
– Elaborate tools, guidelines for NCDs prevention and control In collaboration with M&E Unit in RBC
– Participate in monitoring and evaluation activities In collaboration with other government institutions in charge of disabilities
– Participate in disabilities related activities

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in General Medicine with at least 3 years of relevant working experience in Public Health or Master’s Degree in Public Health, with at least 3 years of relevant working experience in Public Health. Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Good knowledge of Rwanda Health System;
– Knowledge of Injuries and Disabilities;
– Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with donors, implementing partners and other stakeholders;
– Ability to manage multiple priorities and projects;
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research Skills & Writing skills;
– Creative, proactive, customer focused, solutions led and outcome driven skills;
– Interpersonal skills;
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.


Director of NTDs Unit at RBC: deadline:16/Mar/2020


Job Description

Prevention, Control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTD) and Other parasitic diseases (OPD) in Rwanda. o Preparation, review, and adjustment of NTD operational plans o Lead and coordinate implementation of technical activities for prevention, control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTD) and Other parasitic diseases (OPD) in Rwanda; o o Coordinate the implementation of elimination strategies, monitor and evaluate the progress of elimination of Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis, Lymphatic filariasis, Schistosomiasis and other NTDs in endemic areas; o Lead the organization and implementation of Mass Drug Administration (MDA/Deworming) in the country • Monitor and evaluate the progress of control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTD) and Other parasitic diseases (OPD) in Rwanda. o Monitoring and Evaluation of activities through participation in establishing and maintaining NTD project, design of surveys, and providing specific guidance; o Promote NTD research and ensure NTD interventions are evidence based; o Facilitate communication, promotion and coordination between the technical teams and other partners; o Publish articles on NTD case management best practice in national and international newspapers. • Ensure the sustainability of impact. o Strengthen the country capacity and effective inter
– country collaboration on surveillance and response for neglected tropical diseases and other parasitic diseases. o Ensure the integration of NTD activities with other programs at all health systems levels in Rwanda; o Strengthen capacity building of NTD and OPD Unit staff and other health professionals involved in NTD and OPD countrywide • Ensure availability of medicines for NTDs and Other parasitic diseases o By collaboration with other health institutions and partners ensure the availability of medicines for NTD and Other parasitic diseases and consumables. o Lead the quantification and procurement of medicines for NTD and Other parasitic diseases and other consumables.

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in General Medicine, Nursing, Public Health, Global Health, Epidemiology with at least 3 years of relevant working experience in Diseases programs Management or Master’s Degree in Epidemiology, Public Health, Global Health, Epidemiology with at least 2 years of relevant working experience in diseases management. Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:
– Ability to learn and apply investigative methods, laws, regulations pertaining to pest control and management;
– Familiar with a variety of the field’s concepts, practices, and procedures;
– Proven participation in recognized research/assessment of infectious diseases;
– Knowledge in Malaria Care and Treatment;
– Extensive knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system;
– Planning & Organizational skills;
– Research Skills & Writing skills;
– Creative, proactive, customer focused, solutions led and outcome driven skills;
– Interpersonal skills;
– Effective communication skills;
– Time Management skills;
– Computer skills;
– Judgment & Decision
– making skills;
– Complex Problem solving skills;
– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.


Ooh Mana yanjye! Coronavirus mukarere k’ibiyaga bigari.Umurwayi muri RDC


Nyuma yuko icyorezo coronavirus gikomeje kuyogoza ibihugu byinshi by’isi, kuvugisha amagambo menshi abantu ndetse noguca igikuba mu mahanga yose, umugabane wa Afurika nawo ukomeje gusatirwa n’iki cyago kuko ibihugu bitandukanye nka Sénégal, Maroc, Tunisia, Algeria, Misiri na Nigeria  byamaze kwemeza nibura umurwayi umwe wanduye iki cyago

Ikirushijeho guhangayikisha nuko iki cyorezo gikomeje gusatira n’akarere k’ibiyaga bigari aho umurwayi wambere yemejwe mugihugu cya Repuburika iharanira Demokarasi ya Congo, nkuko byatangajwe na Eteni Longondo  Minisitiri w’ubuzima muri ikigihugu  abinyujije kuri Radio Okapi ikorera muri iki gihugu kuri uyu wakabili taliki 10 Werurwe 2020.

Uyu muyobozi yavuzeko uyu murwayi akomoka mugihugu cy’ububiligi kandi ko ubu yashyizwe ahe hawenyine akaba ariho avurirwa.

Akaba yabitangaje muri aya magambo:

<< Ndashaka kumenyesha abanye Congo ko twamaze gusuzuma umurwayi wambere wa coronavirus mugitondo cyokuri uyu wakabili taliki 10 Werurwe 2020. Ni umubiligi umaze iminsi mikeya inaha. Twifashishije ibizamiri bya Laboratoire, twasanze koko uyumurwayi yaranduye iki cyorezo.>>

Minisitiri w’ubuzima akaba yakomeje gukangurira abaturage kwita nogushyira mubikorwa ingamba zose igihugu cya Repuburika iharanira Demokarasi ya Congo yabashyiriyeho zokwirinda iki cyago.

Ibi bibaye mugihe ibihugu by’ibituranyi birimo n’u Rwanda rukomeje gukaza ingamba zogukumira nokwirinda icyorezo coronavirus ndetse na Congo Brazaville ikomeje gushyira mukato abagenzi bavuye mubihugu bivugwamo iyi ndwara nkuko byatangajwe n’ikinyamakuru lemonde muminsi 5 ishize.

Partnership Specialist(under Contract) at NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY : Deadline:13/Mar/2020


Job description

Initiate and coordinate the development of strategic relationships and partnerships with the business community, local and central government, business support and advocacy organisations and other relevant stakeholders.

– Advise Director General and Senior Management of issues and/or risks to partner relationships
– Work with PR & Communications Officer to prioritise the external organisations NIRDA should engage with and monitor communications to these stakeholders
– Advise the Director General on invitations to speak at conferences, seminars, round
– table events etc.
– Regularly measure stakeholder satisfaction levels and develop and implement strategies across the organisation to find solutions to the findings
– Ensure that key stakeholders are kept well informed of forthcoming NIRDA events/publications

Job profile

Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations, Mass Communication, Development Studies, Sales and Marketing or International Relations with 3 years of relevant working experience or Master’s Degree in Public Relations, Mass Communication, Development Studies, Sales and Marketing orInternational Relations ; Key technical skills and knowledge required:
– Strong command of written and spoken English
– Understanding of the national, regional and international context of research and development agenda
– Demonstrated ability to identify and establish institutional relationships.
– Demonstrated ability to negotiate with donors, institutional investors and governments
– Strong analytical capabilities in risk mitigation
– Strong command of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint


3 Program Operations Specialists (Under Contract) in NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Deadline:13/Mar/2020


Job description

Manage multiple NIRDA support projects.
– Provide specialist subject matter expertise, contribute content, and help verify final product.
– Design terms of reference, promote and conduct ‘Open Calls’. Receive and process concept papers and project applications from applicant enterprises, managing the online process.
– Assist successful first
– stage applicants to submit detailed project applications.
– Maintain all project records and documentation for a period of at least 10 years from the date of approval.
– Ensure that contracts are issued and signed for all approved projects
– Ensure that a results measurement plan is established for each contracted project
– Perform tasks in accordance with the highest standards of technical excellence.
– Perform assignments on time and within budget.
– Keep the Division Manager and fellow team members informed of progress, accomplishments, and any problems encountered.
– Analyze and report on project outcomes and provides recommendations to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and overall satisfaction.

Job profile

Master’s Degree in Business administration, Project Management and Economics or A0 in Business administration, Project Management or Economics with 3 years of relevant working experience. Key technical skills and knowledge required:
– Strong command of written and spoken English
– Extensive understanding of the national, regional and international contexts of industrial research and development agenda
– Demonstrated project management experience.
– Excellent interpersonal skills
– Demonstrated project management experience
– Excellent planning and organization skills
– Ability and demonstrated experience navigating cross functional teams with ease
– Strong command of Microsoft Word,Excel and Powerpoint


2 Knowledge Management Specialist at NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY : Deadline:13/Mar/2020


Job Description

Monitor technology developments and ensure all relevant information and learning is captured.
– Development and maintenance of a comprehensive database on value chains in which NIRDA is operational including
– enterprise database,
– technology database,
– potential B2B partners,
– sources of research knowledge
– Design and implement effective learning activities across the organization, to scope and implement appropriate and effective knowledge sharing.

– Curate technical website content to ensure that the right knowledge is getting to NIRDAs audiences.
– Document and share learning – ensure requirements, lessons learned, and best practices for products, events, and other knowledge management activities are clear and documented.
– Manage knowledge sharing events for external promotion –– in collaboration with project partners, the PSF and any relevant government ministries, departments and agencies.
– Contribute expertise and input as required into cross
– functional project teams.

Job profile

Master’s Degree in Information Technology Management, Information Systems, documentation Studies, Systems Analysis, System Management orLibrary Science or Bachelor Degree in Information Technology Management, Information Systems, documentation Studies, Systems Analysis, System Management orLibrary Science with 3 years of relevant work experience. Key technical skills and knowledge required:
– Strong command of written and spoken English
– Ability to navigate new communication technology platforms with ease.
– Expert planning skills
– High analytical capacity and ability to frame technical knowledge for various audiences
– Excellent interpersonal skills with ability to build relationships across the institution and sector
– Ability to develop various formats of publication from information shared by the institution
– Demonstrated excellent report writing and presentation skills
– Strong command of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint


Packaging machine operator at SKOL Brewery Ltd: Deadline:Monday, 16th  March 2020 at 5:00 pm.



The Department of Human Resources would like to inform its estimated staff and the Public of opportunities for the following position:

Any person qualified according to the criteria defined below can apply. SBL employees with the ambition to apply are equally welcome.

Job Requirements

Packaging machine operator

  • A1 level certificate in mechanical or electrical
  • A2 qualification/certificate mechanical or electrical with at least 2 years’ experience in packaging operations.
  • Adherence to health and safety regulations
  • Have a good team spirit
  • Able to speak French or English
  • Ability to learn new skills
  • Be able to work under pressure.

How to apply

The applications including cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV) copies of degrees/ diplomas/professional certificates and a copy the National ID should be dropped at our offices located in Nzove, Shyorongi, Kanyinya Sector, plot N°1070 in Kigali, at the attention of the HR Department not later than Monday, 16th  March 2020 at 5:00 pm.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Done at Kigali, on 4th March 2020


Administrative assistant school of inclusive and special needs Education -Rukara cumpas at university of...

Job responsibilities 1. Managing Line Manager’s agenda • Keep the diary of appointments of the Line Manager. • Receive and orient visitors of the Line Manager. • Prepare the Line Manager travels, missions and meetings....

Lab Technician of school of education – Rukara cumpas CE at University of rwanda...

Job responsibilities 1. Community outreach  To conduct laboratory tests and analysis  To prepare practical work for students  To curry out risk assessment for lab activities  To collect and analyze samples ...

2 Job Positions of Plumber-Rukara Cumpas at University of rwanda (UR) Under Statute:Deadline: Oct...

Job responsibilities 1.Install,repairandmaintainplumbingsystemsandcomponents  Review building plans and specifications to determine the layout for plumbing and related materials  Study building plans and inspect structures to assess material and equipment needs, to establish the sequence...

Electrician Rukara Cumpas at University of rwanda (UR) Under Statute : Deadline: Oct 7,...

Job responsibilities 1. Repair and maintain Electricity in the work place  Assemble, install, test, and maintain electrical or electronic wiring, equipment and fixtures using hand tools and power tools  Diagnose malfunctioning systems and...

Senior civil engeneer at rwanda development board (RDB) Under Contract :Deadline: Oct 7, 2024

Job responsibilities • Work with the construction supervision team to coordinate review and approval of all documents produced by the Contractor and Supervisor • Coordinate meetings and communication with all project stakeholders to ensure smooth...