DAWN International Fellowships in Denmark



DAWN Fellowships are intended for outstanding early career scientists whose research falls within DAWN’s research themes: high-redshift galaxy evolution, reionization and evolution of the IGM, first stars and galaxies, dust and ISM in the early universe, 21cm cosmology and dark matter. DAWN Fellows are expected to pursue their own independent, cutting edge research programs.
DAWN is a Center of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF), and is located at the Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), University of Copenhagen and the Space division of the Danish Technical University (DTU-Space). In addition, DAWN has a number of associates at major research institutes across Europe, North America, and Australia. DAWN brings together experts in all aspects of the early universe and is deeply involved in major existing and upcoming surveys with e.g. HST, ALMA, Euclid and JWST, as well as simulations. DAWN Fellows and postdocs are encouraged to collaborate with DAWN’s international associates, and have the opportunity to supervise students and to apply for grants and observing proposals as PI.

There are also postdoctoral positions available to work on specific projects at DAWN, and we encourage candidates to note if they would like to be considered for other relevant positions. In particular, a position is available to work on the “Understanding the First Billion Years” project with Associate Professor Charlotte Mason.
More information on DAWN’s activities and researchers is available at https://cosmicdawn.dk.
DAWN Fellowships and postdoctoral positions are fulltime for three years. The employment is scheduled to begin in fall 2022 or upon agreement with the chosen candidate.


Applicants with interests in any areas and techniques related to Reionization, first galaxy evolution, 21cm observations, Lyman-alpha radiative transfer, dark matter, models, simulations, and statistical methods, are particularly encouraged to apply.


The position is covered by the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff. Terms of appointment and payment accord to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State.
DAWN Fellows and postdocs receive generous support for computing, travel and publication expenses. Most non-Danish citizens are eligible for a favorable tax scheme. Copenhagen is a beautiful, family-friendly city with a large international community, a lively and diverse cultural scene, and a very high quality of life. The starting salary is currently up to DKK 420.040,76 including annual supplement (+ pension up to DKK 71.826,97 ). Negotiation for salary supplement is possible. Benefits include six weeks paid vacation and generous benefits, including: pension, full health cover (also for family), paid sick leave, access to paid parental leave. More on employment conditions and living in Copenhagen: http://ism.ku.dk.


The application, in English, must be submitted electronically by clicking APPLY NOW within the link.
Please include

Research plan – maximum 3 pages including figures and references, description of current and future research plans

Publication list

Cover letter – maximum 1 page, describing your motivation for applying to DAWN

Curriculum vitae, including a list of up to 3 people who could be contacted for references and, if applicable, a description of career breaks (for example due to caring responsibilities, debilitating illness, effects from the COVID19 pandemic, etc. you do not need to disclose the reasons if you do not wish to)

Diplomas (Master and PhD degree, if applicable, or equivalent – a letter from your university explaining you have completed requirements for these degrees and are in the final year of a PhD is fine)

Applications received by the deadline will receive full consideration. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview in early January.

Apply Now



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