Short-Term National Professional Integration and Career guidance Expert to Support the Development of Professional Integration and career Guidance support Mechanisms in Rulindo District at Expertise France : Deadline: 03-08-2021



Job description: Short-Term National professional integration and career guidance Expert to Support the development of professional integration and career guidance support mechanisms in Rulindo district.

Rwanda Polytechnic has signed a financial agreement with Agence Française de Développement (AFD), for the implementation of a pilot project in the district of Rulindo. Expertise France (EF), the French Agency for international technical expertise, has been tasked to support the implementation of the project during the first 3 years.

To do so, Expertise France is currently recruiting a short-Term National Professional Integration and Career Guidance expert to lead the development of Career Guidance and Professional Integration support mechanisms in Rulindo district for 120 to 140 working days (maximum). The assignment will take place from October 2021 to June 2023, and the exact dates for each deliverable will be defined in collaboration with Rulindo district, TVET Providers and Expertise France.

Companies with relevant experience and with evidenced proof of experience of their staff on this assignment are also eligible to apply.


  • Develop job-seekers support mechanisms (Guidelines) in the Rulindo district
  • Support the organization of yearly job fairs in Rulindo district to link trainees with companies
  • Prepare and Deliver training on job-seekers support for Rulindo district staff
  • Mentor and coach job seekers and youth centers staff
  • Develop professional integration and career guidance support mechanisms
  • Build the capacity of career guidance and staff from TVET schools and IPRC TUMBA
  • Build the capacity of company staff on organizing efficient and effective workplace learning to ensure a proper support to trainees
  • Prepare the workshop and training program using the Project’s template and send it for validation to the Private sector and entrepreneurship expert
  • Prepare all the material and necessary handouts to be used in the training and send it for validation to the Private sector and entrepreneurship expert
  • Develop the evaluation sheet in line with the guidance of the project Monitoring & Evaluation Expert
  • Conduct a daily management of workshop and training including daily attendance list
  • Conduct a pre-test the 1st day of training
  • Deliver the training session or lead workshop
  • Conduct a post-test the last day of the training session
  • Provide written report using the Project’s template and send it for validation to the Private sector and entrepreneurship expert

Required experience

  • At least a Bachelor’s degree preferably in Economics Business development, entrepreneurship/business related courses or other fields with proven experience
  • Minimum of 5 years working experience in mentorship, training, career guidance and employment promotion, professional integration, coaching
  • Experience in organizing and leading job-fair
  •  Experience in mentoring and coaching job seekers and linking them to job opportunities
  • Experience in facilitating and leading Trainings and workshops
  • Experience in supporting career guidance centres and employment programs
  • Experience in preparing employers (in company trainers) to receive and support trainees

Required competencies

  • Mentorship and coaching skills
  •  Organizational skills
  •  Business and entrepreneurship skills
  •  Facilitation and training skills
  •  Communication skills
  •  Excellent command of English (written and oral); fluency in French will be an added value

 How to apply

Please note that application documents should be sent to this email:   and the deadline is 3 August 2021

Notes: Application documents should contain a CV, cover letter and certificates and if you are a company, please send your company profile with the CVs of the person who will perform the task above

Kindly note that Expertise France will not be able to notify all the applicants. Only candidates who have been selected will be contacted for an interview before the final selection.

Done in Kigali, 21 July 2021


David Farge

Resident Technical Assistant


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