University of Saskatchewan Graduate International Scholarships in Canada, 2022


The Graduate Awards Database lists all award opportunities the CGPS oversees. In addition, departments, colleges, and donors from outside the university offer awards throughout the year. Use the form below to find specific awards.

Each entry provides information about the funding opportunity – eligibility criteria, the application deadline and instructions for how to apply. Search by keywords (e.g., Indigenous, SSHRC etc.) to find opportunities. Most awards are open to both international and domestic students.

In addition to these awards, the University supports graduate students through teaching, research, and service fellowships and assistanceships. For these, contact your graduate chair or graduate administrator for details.

ValuePh.D.: $20,000 (may be tenable for up to 36 months); Master’s Thesis: $16,000 (may be tenable for up to 24 months).Number offeredVariesEligibilityThe College of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (CGPS) offers University Graduate Scholarships to students in the following departments/units:AnthropologyArt & Art HistoryCurriculum StudiesEducation – cross-departmental PhD programIndigenous StudiesLanguages, Literatures, & Cultural StudiesLarge Animal Clinical SciencesLinguistics & Religious StudiesMarketingMusicPhilosophySmall Animal Clinical SciencesVeterinary PathologyWomen, Gender & Sexuality StudiesAll University Graduate Scholarships (UGS) recipients must be full-time, fully-qualified students who are either continuing their program or are in the process of being admitted into a graduate degree program. Students must be in the first 36 months of a Master’s degree program or the first 48 months of a Doctoral degree program to apply for or hold a UGS. Applicants must have a minimum of 80% average as a continuing student or entrance average as a prospective student.ApplyA complete student application contains the following items:The completed General Awards Application located online at of official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended. We will obtain the student’s University of Saskatchewan records.Two letters of reference, which must be sent confidentially to See below for instructions on writing the reference letters.Letters should be on letterhead and signed by the referee. They should support the information in the student’s application, be enthusiastic, focus on the student’s skills, past achievements, and potential. They should stress strengths and personal attributes, comment on the quality of publication venues, and demonstrate why the student is of superior caliber and worthy of an award.Reference letters from a student’s departmental application can be used if they address the points below.The length of time and capacity in which you have known the student.The student’s academic background and preparedness.The student’s research productivity and/or potential.The quality of the venues in which the student’s works have been published/presented.The student’s leadership and interpersonal skills.Any other outstanding achievements of the student.If you have any questions, please contact us through Jira at or at 28, 2022 at 4:30pm CST

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