University of Oxford Executive MBA Director’s Awards 2022


University of Oxford Executive MBA Director’s Awards 2022

Our Executive MBA Director’s Awards enable us to enhance the diversity of each EMBA cohort.

Open to candidates who can effectively demonstrate how they will enhance the learning experience of the cohort through the diverse experience they have accumulated to date, these awards cover a portion of the course fees.

Award details


Partial awards up to a maximum of £30,000, covering a portion of the course fees.

Number available

There is no fixed number of awards available. The number of awardees in each intake of the programme will depend on the number of applicants and the amount awarded to each successful recipient.

Selection criteria

Academic excellence (candidates must be educated to degree level)

How your background will enhance the diversity of the cohort

How the programme will benefit your sector/region in the long-term

Preference will be given to candidates that can effectively demonstrate how they will enhance the learning experience of the cohort through the diverse experience they have accumulated to date. This could include experience in working across multiple sectors and regions especially emerging markets.

Preference will also be given to candidates from emerging markets or non-traditional backgrounds, such as (but not exclusively) voluntary charitable organisations, international organisations and military backgrounds.

How to apply

Upload a supporting statement (200–400 words) in the Funding section of the Executive MBA programme application, answering this question:

How will your background enhance the diversity of the Executive MBA cohort, and how will the programme benefit your sector/region in the long-term?


Director’s Awards will be awarded after each of the four admissions deadlines listed below up until all of the available funding has been allocated. We cannot guarantee the availability of these awards in our later application stages, so early application is recommended.

Candidates must submit a complete Executive MBA application including the Director’s Awards supporting statement by the deadline in order to be considered.

September 2021 intake deadlines

25 January 2021

22 February 2021

05 April 2021

17 May 2021

January 2022 intake deadlines

26 July 2021

06 September 2021

Official website


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