Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca International Economics Call for Application in Italy 2021/2022


Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

Admission procedure for candidates holding a foreign degree

Entry requirements

Admission is conditional on the candidate’s academic background. A degree in Economics or related subjects is a preferential title. To be eligible for admission, candidates are required to have earned: 1) A foreign degree or expected to earn by December 23rd 2021. 2) One of the following certificates: BEC Vantage; BEC Higher; CAE; City&Guilds Pitman Qualifications; CPE; FCE; Academic IELTS; ETS-TOEFL; ETS-TOIEC (except candidates whose previous degree has been taught in English).

All candidates have to take an interview. Extra EU requiring visa applicants have to apply for pre-enrolment in the portal Universitaly (www.universitaly.it) attaching all the required documents, before filling pre-enrolment application at the Online Registry (https://s3w.si.unimib.it/Home.do). 

How to apply

The applications for admission must be presented online at the web site of the University of Milano-BicoccaOnline Registry (https://s3w.si.unimib.it/Home.do: click MENU on top-right of the page for the Englishversion – ENG). Applicants must register if they access the online Registry for the first time (selecting “Registration”).Applicant can register only once.The following information is needed:- Fiscal code (foreign candidates without a fiscal code do not need to enter a fiscal code);- Personal data;- Residence and domicile;- Telephone and e-mail. Following completion of required information, the applicants will be given a username and a password using which they can login for the pre-enrolment. Now, from Online Registry (https://s3w.si.unimib.it/Home.do) candidates must log in (clicking MENU on top-right of the page for the English version – ENG and then “login”).

From MENU select “home”, then “Evaluation Test”, “Enrolment in an evaluation test”, “2-year Master Degree”, “INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS – valutazione della carriera per l’ammissione alla laurea magistrale”. During the registration process, applicants are required to enter the following documents:1) Upload valid ID document (Identity card or passport);2) ID photo in digital format (bitmap or jpeg) with a resolution of at least 300×400 pixel;3) Upload of your titles, as indicated below.

Supporting documents to be submitted at the application stage1. University degree achieved in a foreign University;2. Transcript of records, awarded by the University, detailing exams passed and marks;3. If available, detailed program (syllabus) for each course;4. Translation of documents listed at 1-2-3 in Italian or in English if issued in a different language from Italian, English, Spanish or French;5. Dichiarazione di Valore in loco (Declaration of Value), issued by the relevant Italian Embassy or Consulate.

This is a document that provides information about the Educational System in your Country and compares the qualification level with the Italian Educational System. As an alternative to the “Dichiarazione di Valore in loco”, students can submit the DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT, if issued by the university that issued the degree, or other declaration or certification issued by a foreign official authority or by a ENIC-NARIC center (in Italy you can check the CIMEA website );6. Evidence of proficiency in English (candidates have to upload an English Language Certificate or a declaration that their previous degree was taught in English);7. curriculum vitae et studiorum. (Allowed Certificates: BEC Vantage, BEC Higher, CAE, City&Guilds Pitman Qualifications, CPE, FCE, Academic IELTS,ETS-TOEFL, ETS-TOIEC.) Documents from 1-2-3-4-6-7 MUST be uploaded in Online Registry during the application process; the document at point 5, if not available at the application date, must be handed in to the Welcome Desk (welcome.desk@unimib.it) up to December 15th 2021. N.B. European students can present a self-certification (autocertificazione), in Italian or English, replacing documents in point 1-2. Extra-EU citizens who are residents in Italy can produce a self-certification (autocertificazione) only about status, matters and personal qualifications that are certified or confirmed by Italian public entities.

Extra EU requiring visa applicants have to apply for pre-enrolment in the portal Universitaly (www.universitaly.it) attaching all the required documents, before filling pre-enrolment application at the Online Registry.

Official website


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