Multilateral Diplomacy training lies at the heart of UNITAR. The Institute traditionally delivers training workshops on the UN system and skills development. Given the recent global context, UNITAR specifically designed a series of training programmes on multilateralism.
These aim at strengthening the spirit of international cooperation and togetherness, build up values such as solidarity and inclusiveness in participants, and sensitise them to the importance of addressing global challenges, such as climate change, in a spirit of a cooperation.
As part of the training activities implemented during the winter months, UNITAR designed a five-day field visit to Geneva (31 January 2022 – 04 February 2022) offering participants the chance to fully immerse themselves into International Geneva, and thereby gain a first-hand experience of the United Nations. It covers different thematic areas:
United Nations System
Career Development
Leadership in the UN Context
For more information, and to apply, please visit: United Nations Immersion Programme | UNITAR