Scholarships in Chalmers University for Master 2021-22, , Sweden (15 Jan 2021)


Adlerbert Study Scholarships in Chalmers University for Master 2021-22, , Sweden (15 Jan 2021)

Application details

Deadline for applications: January 15, 2021

Five scholarships will be awarded in 2021 to students who are citizens of one of 143 countries (link below). The scholarship comprises a full tuition fee waiver and is funded by the the Adlerbert Foundations.


The selection is based on the applicants’ relative academic excellence, which primarily includes weighted average grade but also home University’s stature (including position on global ranking lists) and priority order of the application for Chalmers Master’s Programmes.

Fields of Study

Unrestricted – all of the current Master’s programmes at Chalmers.

Available to


  • Covers 100% of the tuition fees (4 semesters/2 year programme)

Deadline: Check Keydates ​for the current application period

How to apply for scholarships


  1. Apply for a Master’s programme Scholarship applications will be processed when the corresponding online application for Master’s programmes at has been completed, including having submitted all the required documentation verifying your eligibility and having paid the application fee. Only applicants fulfilling the eligibility requirements for the Master’s programmes applied for will finally be considered for a scholarship.How to apply for a Master’s programme
  2. Rank your programmesThe ranking of the Master’s programmes that you applied for is crucial for the assessment of your scholarship application. To maximize your chances of being offered a scholarship from Chalmers you should select a Chalmers programme as your number one priority (you may add a total of 4, and your nr1 must be a Chalmers alternative).Ranking of Master’s programme​s​
  3. Read the scholarship requirementsRead the requirements for each of the scholarships thoroughly before submitting your application.Requirements for the scholarships

Scholarship application

We encourage you to apply for scholarships as soon as possible, since this will greatly expedite the assessment process. However, there is no correlation between how early you submit the application and the likelihood of receiving a scholarship.

Note, prior to your scholarship application you must first make an online application to at least one of the Master’s programmes offered by Chalmers, at the website (see section 1-3 above). You will be assigned an 8 digit application number (at and this number is required in order to complete the scholarship application.

The scholarship application form

Follow the link below and the instructions provided.

  • Make sure to have your 8 digit application number at hand (from your account/application at
  • Make sure to use the same e-mail address as the one you registered at your account at
  • Please note that the electronic application form is used only for the scholarships awarded by Chalmers. You may apply for multiple scholarships provided that the eligibility requirements are fulfilled.
    All submitted data must be verifiable against the documents submitted as part of your Master’s programme application at
  • The verification code will be sent to your e-mail within a few minutes. If not, check your junk e-mail.
  • Until deadline you may, if necessary, make changes to your scholarship application. After the deadline the scholarship portal is closed.

​Link to the application for scholarship application form (scholarship administrated by Chalmers)

Check Key dates

RestrictionTake note, your scholarship application will not be considered if you do not pay the application fee or do not upload all required documents on your account at by the deadline.

Notification and mandatory confirmation of awarded scholarships

The scholarship awardees will receive the offer between March and the beginning of May.
Chalmers admissions (scholarship committee) cannot give any preliminary notifications regardless of whether a scholarship applicant will be offered a scholarship or not. However, all applicants will receive an answer from the assessment team.
If you receive an offer, you have to confirm that you accept the scholarship offer by the deadline specified in the notification.


Source / More information: Official Website.


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