Scholarship in ANSO for Young Talents 2021: (Deadline 31 March 2021)


Scholarship in ANSO for Young Talents 2021: (Deadline 31 March 2021)

Application details

Applications call for ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents 2021. The ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents (hereinafter referred to as the ANSO Scholarship) has a goal of training and cultivation of young scientists from all over the world. The ANSO Scholarship supports 200 Master’s students and 300 PhD students every year to pursue postgraduate education at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) or institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) around China.

 The Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) is a non-profit, non-government international organization founded in 2018. Founding members include 37 scientific institutions, universities, and international organizations worldwide. ANSO aims to improve regional and global capacity in science and technology, human livelihoods and wellbeing, and to promote broader S&T cooperation and communication.


  • Tuition waiver
  • Monthly stipend: Master’s: 3000 RMB/month; PhD: 6000 or 7000 RMB/month (depending on whether he/she has passed the qualification test arranged by USTC/UCAS).
  • Health insurance
  • Application fee waiver
  • Travel subsidy from their home countries to China (one trip per person)


  • Not hold Chinese citizenship.
  • Be proficient in English or Chinese.
  • For master’s program applicants: be born after 1 January 1991 (inclusive).
  • For PhD program applicants: be born after 1 January 1986 (inclusive).
  • Meet the admission criteria for international students of USTC/UCAS.
  • Not take up other assignments during the period of his/her scholarship.


In order to apply, candidates must visit ANSO official website for the ANSO Scholarship application portal. Applicants should file and submit their application in the USTC/UCAS admission system as requested. Choose “the ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents” in the application. Applicants materials include but not limited to

  • Copy of your regular passport which has at least 2 years validity.
  • Complete CV with a brief introduction of research experience.
  • Original copy of the certificate of university degrees held.
  • For master’s program applicants: Bachelor’s degree certificate or official pre-graduation certificate showing their student status and stating the expected graduation date.
  • For PhD program applicants: ①Bachelor’s degree certificate. ②Master’s degree certificate or official pre-graduation certificate showing their student status and stating the expected graduation date.
  • TWO reference letters: Two referees (NOT the host supervisor) from academia familiar with you and your work should upload their scanned reference letters to the online admission system of USTC/UCAS. Reference letters in the body of e-mails will NOT be accepted.
  • Detailed research proposal.
  • Photocopies of title pages and abstracts of maximum 5 published academic papers (if available).
  • Proof of knowledge of English and/or Chinese.
  • Foreigner Physical Examination Form (Attachment)



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