Research on Rwandan sports infrastructure management and on sports income generation from sports activities at MINISPORTS: Deadline:


Research on Rwandan sports infrastructure management and on sports income generation from sports activities

Project ID: NA


The Ministry of Sports (hereinafter called ‘’Client”) has received funds from The Government of Rwanda towards the cost of preparation of research on Rwandan sports infrastructure management and on sports income generation from sports activities. The Client intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the contract for which this Request for Proposals is issued. More details on the services are provided in the Terms of Reference.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) may be obtained from the e-procurement system for Rwanda ( For submission of the proposals, all interested bidders must pay a non-refundable fee of ten thousand Rwandan francs (10,000 RWF) paid to the RRA non-fiscal revenue accounts in Commercial Banks.

An original bid security of one million two hundred thousand Rwandan Francs (1,200,000 Rwf) issued by a bank or reputable insurance company in Rwanda and linked with the Umucyo E-procurement system.

A Consultant will be selected under a QCBS and procedures described in this RFP, in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement as modified and completed to date.

The RFP includes the following documents:

Section 1 – Letter of Invitation

Section 2 – Instructions to Consultants (including Data Sheet)

Section 3 – Technical Proposal – Standard Forms

Section 4 – Financial Proposal – Standard Forms

Section 5 – Terms of Reference

Section 6 – Standard Forms of Contract

All interested consultants may obtain further information and clarification through using e-procurement system not later than fourteen (14) days before the fixed date for the submission of the proposals.

All proposals will be submitted online using the e-procurement system as mentioned above not later than the date and time indicated in the e-procurement system concerning this tender. Late offers will automatically not be accepted by the system. Bids will be opened automatically by the e-procurement system on the date and time indicated in the e procurement system.

Bidding will be conducted in accordance with the LAW N ° 62/2018 of 25/08/2018, Governing Public Procurement on Public Procurement as modified and completed to date.

TIN: 101397575
Procuring Entity: MINISPORTS
Procuring Entity Type: State
Address: GASABO
Abbreviation Name: MINISPORTS
Post Box: 1044 KIGALI
Tel No: 0788690353
Fax No:
Representative Name: SHEMA MABOKO Didier


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