Request for Proposal – Provision of Service of Transport for care Rwanda Staff Travelling in Kigali City or in Different Districts at CARE International Rwanda | Kigali: Deadline: 29-07-2024


Request for Proposal – Provision of service of transport for care Rwanda staff travelling in Kigali city or in different districts


At CARE, we seek a world of hope, inclusion, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live with dignity and security.

This has been our vision since 1945, when we were founded to send lifesaving CARE Packages® to survivors of World War II. Today, CARE is a leader in the global movement to end poverty. We put women and girls in the center because we know we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities. In 2019, CARE worked in 100 countries and reached 70 million people with an incredible range of life-saving programs.

To know more about CARE, visit:



The enclosed document is not an offer to contract, but a solicitation of a vendor’s proposed intent. Acceptance of a proposal in no way commits CARE to award a contract for any or all products and services to any vendor.

CARE reserves the right to make the following decisions and actions based on its business interests and for reasons known only to CARE:

  • To determine whether the information provided does or does not substantially comply with the requirements of the RFP
  • To contact any bidder after proposal submittal for clarification of any information provided.
  • To waive any or all formalities of bidding
  • To accept or reject a proposal in whole or part without justification to the bidder
  • To not accept the lowest bid
  • To negotiate with one or more bidders in respect to any aspect of submitted proposal
  • To award another type of contract other than that described herein, or to award no contract.
  • To enter into a contract or agreement for purchase with parties not responding to this RFP
  • To request, at its sole discretion, selected Vendors to provide a more detailed presentation of the proposal
  • To not share the results of the bids with other bidders and to award contracts based on whatever is in the best interest of CARE.

Any material statements made orally or in writing in response to this RFP or in response to requests for additional information will be considered offers to contract and should be included by vendor in any final contract.


All information gained by any vendor concerning CARE work practices is not to be disclosed to anyone outside those responsible for the preparation of this proposal. Any discussion by the vendor of CARE’s business practices could be reason for disqualification. CARE, at their discretion, reserves the right to require a non-disclosure agreement.

Reciprocally, CARE commits that information received in response to this RFP will be held in strict confidence and not disclosed to any party, other than those persons directly responsible for the evaluation of the responses, without the express consent of the responding vendor.

Finally, the information contained within this RFP is confidential and is not to be disclosed or used for any other purpose by the vendor.


Any publicity referring to this project, whether in the form of press releases, brochures, or photographic coverage will not be permitted without prior written approval from CARE.


The selected vendor(s) will be required to show proof of adequate insurance at such time as CARE is prepared to procure the services. The participating vendor will also be required to indemnify and hold harmless CARE for, among other things, any third-party claims arising from the selected vendor’s acts or omissions and will be liable for any damage caused by its employees, agents or subcontractors.


  1. Neither Party shall be responsible for a performance that is delayed, hindered, or is rendered inadvisable, commercially impracticable, illegal, or impossible by a “Force Majeure Event.” A Force Majeure event includes, without limitation, an act of nature, a pandemic, emergency, civil unrest or disorder, actual or threatened terrorism, war, fire, governmental action or interference of any kind, power or utility failures, strikes or other labor disturbances, a health warning issued by the Center for Disease Control (or similar agency), any other civil or governmental emergency and/or any other similar event beyond a Party’s reasonable control.
  2. The Party that seeks to invoke this Force Majeure provision (the “Affected Party”) shall provide the other Party (the “Unaffected Party”) with a written notice within ten (10) days of the date the Affected Party determines a Force Majeure Event has occurred.


CARE expects the vendor will provide all labor, coordination, support, and resources required based on the vendor’s proposal and corresponding final SOW. No additional compensation will be available to the vendor for any error or omission from the proposal made to CARE. The only exclusions are add-ons, deletions, and/or optional services for which the vendor has received written authorization from CARE.


All work created during this evaluation must be original work, and no third party should hold any rights in or to the work. All rights, title and interest in the work shall be vested in CARE.


CARE encourages every prospective Supplier to avoid and prevent conflicts of interest, by disclosing to CARE if you, or any of your affiliates or personnel, were involved in the preparation of the requirements, design, specifications, cost estimates, and other information used in this RFP.


Bidders are requested to complete this form, including the Company Profile and Bidder’s Declaration, sign it and return it as part of your proposal. No alterations to its format shall be permitted and no substitutions shall be accepted.


Table 4.1.APrevious Work with CARE

Have you already had previous transactions with CARE?



If marked “Yes”, please provide the year of the latest transaction with CARE and the requirement that was delivered. (This is to inform everyone that this information is for system checking only. This will not be part of any evaluation process.)

If you marked, “No” on the table above, please answer the Table 4.1.A. below:

Table 4.1.B

Other Information

Item Description


Legal name of bidder

Legal Address, City, Country


Year of Registration

Company Expertise

Bank Information (Please answer below)

Bank Name:

Bank Address:



Account Currency:

Bank Account Number:

Previous relevant experience: 3 contracts

Name of previous contracts

Client & Reference Contact Details

Contract Value

Period of activity

Types of activities undertaken




Ethics: By submitting this Proposal/Quote, I/we guarantee that the bidder has not engaged in any improper, illegal, collusive, or anti-competitive arrangements with any competitors; has not directly or indirectly contacted any buyer representative (aside from the point of contact) or gather information regarding the RFP; and has not attempted to influence or offer any type of personal inducement, reward, or benefit to any buyer representative.

I/We affirm that we will not engage in prohibited behavior or any other unethical behavior with CARE or any other party. We also affirm that we have read the general clause and conditions included in this RFP and that we will conduct business in a way that avoids any financial, operational, reputational, or other undue risk to CARE.

Conflict of interest: I/We warrant that the bidder has no actual, potential or perceived Conflict of Interest in submitting this Proposal/Quote; or entering into a Contract to deliver the Requirements. CARE Procurement’s Point of Contact will be notified right away by the bidder if a conflict of interest occurs during the RFP process.

Bankruptcy: l/We have not declared bankruptcy, are not involved in bankruptcy or receivership proceedings, and there is no judgment or pending legal issues that could hinder the ability to conduct business.

Offer Validity Period: I/We confirm that this Proposal/Quote, including the price, remains open for acceptance for the Offer Validity.

I/We understand and recognize that you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive, and we certify that the goods offered in our Quotation are new and unused.

By signing this declaration, the signatory below represents, warrants and agrees that he/she has been authorized by the Organization/s to make this declaration on its/their behalf

Supplier Name:


Company Name:





This Request for Proposal represents the requirements for an open and competitive process.

All vendors must provide written notification via email to of their intent to participate, or not to participate in the bidding process by [July 29, 2024].

Proposals will be accepted until 5:30 PM local time [July 29, 2024], delivered via email solely to (, no later than the above specified date.

Any proposals received after this date and time will not be accepted. All proposals must be signed by an official agent or representative of the company submitting the proposal.

If the organization submitting a proposal must outsource or contract any work to meet the requirements contained herein, this must be clearly stated in the proposal. Additionally, all costs included in proposals must be all-inclusive to include any outsourced or contracted work. Any proposals which call for outsourcing or contracting work must include a name and description of the organizations being contracted.

All costs must be itemized to include an explanation of all fees and costs.

Contract terms and conditions will be negotiated upon selection of the winning bidder for this RFP. All contractual terms and conditions will be subject to review by the CARE legal department, and will include scope, budget, schedule, and other necessary items pertaining to the project.

You must respond to every subsection including statement, question, and/or instruction without exception.

Any verbal information obtained from, or statements made by representatives of CARE shall not be construed as in any way amending this RFP. Only such corrections or addenda as are issued in writing by CARE to all RFP participants shall be official. CARE will not be responsible for verbal instructions.


CARE is issuing this RFP (Request for Proposal) soliciting qualified bidders to submit proposals intended for the provision of transportation services for the CARE Rwanda staff traveling in Kigali City or in different Districts.

This RFP is an invitation to bid, not an offer of contract. Bidders must submit a response that complies with the minimum requirements contained herein.


CARE is seeking a provider to submit proposals intended for the provision of transportation services for the CARE Rwanda staff traveling in Kigali City or in different Districts.

Requirement & Specs


Unit of Measurement

Required Delivery Lead Time

Delivery Address

Contract Period

provision of transportation service for the CARE RWANDA’s staff traveling in Kigali City or in different Districts



2 Week after the contract signature

2 years

[Provide additional requirements]

Item #

Other Requirements


Delivery Date & Time

Bidder shall deliver the service at least 2 weeks after Contract signature.


Exact Address(es) of Delivery Location

CARE Rwanda,

KG 541ST, P.O. Box 550 Kigali,

 Career Center Building, 8th floor

Tel: 0788306241/0788304454



Warranty Period

Standard Manufacturer’s Warranty (if applicable)


Payment Terms

30 Days upon Receipt of items


Quotation Validity

The quote needs to be valid for 90 days to cover all the days from bidding up to the award process. However, once the contract has been released, it shall be valid for the same coverage as reflected in the requirement above.

[Provide additional requirements]

The successful bidder shall have vehicles and drivers with required experience, education and ability and other resources to provide the transportation services to CARE Rwanda staff in Kigali city or in different districts.

  1. Specific activities to be carried out.
  • The successful bidder shall provide the transportation services in Kigali city or in different Districts based on CARE Rwanda request.
  • The successful bidder shall be responsible for providing vehicle in good condition
  1. Required documents
  • Contractor profile
  • License and other mandatory permits on passenger transportation as per the Rwanda law.
  • Trip coordination capacity (ability to process transportation requests sent 30 min in advance).
  • Tin number registration certificate
  1. Driver

The successful bidder shall be responsible for providing drivers for the execution of the services, that:

  • Hold a valid driving license.
  • Have a minimum of 5 years of vehicle driving experience.
  • Have experience working with International NGOs.
  • Have knowledge of Kigali cities and different districts roads network
  • Must be able to speak English and Kinyarwanda
  1. Vehicle
  • The successful bidder shall ensure the vehicle has all requirements (are in good conditions, with all the required security equipment, have an insurance and sits belts for all passengers,).
  • The successful bidder shall keep the vehicle in good technical condition and arrange for their regular maintenance.
  • The successful bidder should have enough Vehicles and all vehicles have the identification in bidder names
  1. Financial terms and conditions

The payment plan will be as follows:

  • Payment will be based on the cost of a trip provided on the attached list
  • 100% of the total payment at the end of the month upon submission of the invoice for vehicles hired to be used in Kigali after approved by Care staff
  • Payment based on PO will be used on the vehicles hired to be used in different districts out of Kigali after approved by Care staff
  • Details of trips invoiced will be attached to the invoice and approved by an authorized CARE staff.


All bidders are advised to strictly follow the below timeline as noted.

Any technical questions arising during the preparation of your response to this RFP should be submitted in writing via email to no later than [July 29, 2024].

Schedule of Activities/ To-do

Date of the Activity/ Deadline of Submission



RFP Issued

[July 5, 2024]


Supplier to notify CARE of intention to participate in bidding

[July 9, 2024]


Deadlines must be strictly observed.

Deadline for submission of clarification questions to CARE

[July 12, 2024]


Deadlines must be strictly observed.

CARE to answer all clarifications

[July 24, 2024]


Supplier’s Deadline of Submission of Proposal

[July 29, 2024]


Deadlines must be strictly observed.

Evaluation of Proposal

From [August 1, 2024] to [August 8, 2024]


Vendor presentation (if required)

From [August 12, 2024] to [August 14, 2024]


Finalists selected

[August 19, 2024]


Upon notification, the contract negotiation with the winning bidder will begin immediately.


  1. Technical Requirements

a.1 Technical Proposal of the Product


Provide the necessary details. Attach document or provide separate sheet if needed.

A. Overall Proposal Suitability


Please see the Scope of Work and any other required specifications for this project.


Provide Delivery Lead Time


Provide after-sales service (if applicable)


Ability to provide sample (if applicable)


Provide Warranty Period.

(Any additional requirement that is deemed necessary for “Previous Works & Awards” Category.


Provide the necessary details. Attach document or provide separate sheet if needed.

B. Previous Works and Awards


Provide 3 or more client experiences or testimonials (References whose environment, size, and scope are most similar to CARE. Include a summary of the work completed for each account. Include reference contact names, with telephone numbers and email addresses.)


Provide previous records of performance and service.


Provide citations and awards. This encompasses reviewing the citations and awards a vendor has received from other customers and award-giving bodies.


Provide any testimonials, survey response/s from previous buyers and/or partners.


(Any additional requirement that is deemed necessary for “Previous Works & Awards” Category.


Provide the necessary details. Attach document or provide separate sheet if needed.

C. Technical Expertise and Organizational Experience


Provide 5 Availability of vendor’s representatives to call upon and consult with.


Any proof that the vendor has the Ability to render satisfactory service in this instance.


Provide Years of experience in providing the same requirement to other companies.


Provide the latest audited Financial Statement.


(Any additional requirement that is deemed necessary for “Technical Expertise and Organizational Experience.


Provide the necessary details. Attach document or provide separate sheet if needed.

D. Others


Tax clearance certificate from RRA and contribution clearance certificate from RSSB.

VALUE & COST (Financial Requirements)

(Provide below requirements, payment terms, etc., if there’s any)

See attached template (in Excel File) to be used for your financial bid.

Item #



Unit of Measurement

Unit Price

(in RWF)

Total Price

(in RWF)

NB: Please provide the cost of transportation service from one location to another and from Kigali to different districts. Please also indicate the cost per km and per hour.

The below table provides details of the type of vehicles, the districts for transportation and the capacity of a vehicle and can be used while submitting the financial proposal:

Type of Vehicles

 List of districts

Capacity of a vehicle

4 x 4 Toyota Land cruiser/ Prado or similar (Prado TXL, Land cruiser VX or Prado)

Southern Province


Kigali -Ruhango

Kigali- Nyanza

Kigali- Huye

Kigali- Nyamagabe



Kigali- kamonyi

Eastern Province

Kigali- Bugesera

Kigali- Rwamagana

Kigali – Kayonza

Kigali- Ngoma

Kigali – Gatsibo

Kigali – Nyagatare


Western Province

Kigali- Nyabihu




Kigali- Nyamasheke

Kigali- Ngororero

Northern Province

Kigali- Gicumbi

Kigali- Rulindo




KIGALI CITY (All districts)



Kimihurura -Kabuga


Kimihurura- Kanombe


Kimihurura- Nyabugogo

Kimihurura- Kimisagara

Kimihurura- Kabuga

Kimihurura- Kicukiro

Kimihurura- Nyarugenge

Kimihurura- Ndera

Kimihurura – Rusororo

Kimihurura -Gahanga

Kimihurura -Ruyenzi

Kimihurura- Kanyinya

 7 Seats

Small coaster

 28 Seats

Big coaster VIP

 36 Seats

Land cruiser V8, Land cruiser GX (VIP)

7 Seats

Executive Van

18 Seats



Small cars (Taxi Voiture)

Kigali city (All districts)

4 Seats

N.B For Kigali City, the departure will be Career Center Building located in Kimihurura Sector, Rugando cell to different zones.

For different Districts, please indicate the cost per day if the vehicle will return to Kigali and if the vehicle will stay in the district for more than one day.

For Kigali city, please indicate the fixed price per day within Kigali, in Rwandan Francs, including driver, fuel, unlimited KMs, unlimited hours and VAT.

Compliance with Requirements

Yes, we will comply

No, we cannot comply

If marked as “No”, please provide counter proposal

Minimum Technical Specifications

Delivery Lead Time

Delivery Term (INCOTERMS)

Warranty Period (if applicable)

Validity of Quotation

Payment Terms (30 Days)

Other Requirements (Please specify)


CARE will evaluate all proposals based on the following criteria. To ensure consideration for this Request for Proposal, your proposal should be complete and include all of the following criteria:

  • Overall Proposal Suitability: proposed solution(s) must meet the scope and needs included herein and be presented in a clear and organized manner
  • Previous Work and Awards: Bidders will be evaluated on examples of their work pertaining to the requirement as well as client testimonials and references
  • Technical Expertise and Organizational Experience: Bidders must provide descriptions and documentation of staff technical expertise and experience. Bidders also need to provide their experiences as an organization which include but not limited to years of experiences, financial stability, expertise, and edge to other competitors.
  • Value and Cost: Bidders will be evaluated on the cost of their solution(s) based on the work to be performed in accordance with the scope of this project.

Note for Country Offices (CO): The specific criteria must closely represent the objective and scope given the nature of the procurement required. Evaluation criteria reflected above can be added and or adjusted depending on the requirement and the type of purchase. The final evaluation criteria must be reflected above prior to releasing of this RFP.

CARE will review proposed budgets and pricing after the initial review of the criteria above.*

Done at Kigali on July 5th, 2024.

Procurement unit


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