RBF-HIV/RBC/CS Contractual Incharge of Commodities Senior Officer Under Contract : Deadline: Nov 29, 2022


Job Description

Assist in the supply pipeline analysis, forecasting and quantification of Maternal, child and community health drugs, health commodities and medical equipment and monitor products procurement and availability, using appropriate tools.
– Work with other commodities logistics managers in designing/revising logistics systems in the context of system integration of CCM products with other essential medical products. Contribute to the development of performance improvement plans including preparation of strategic and operational plan, monitoring and evaluation of performance and program impact.
– Conduct logistics management training and other performance improvement interventions and maintain a logistics training database.
– Supervise and coordinate the CCM field work, including field visits to monitor logistics interventions and supervise the personnel in charge of CCM products logistics.
– Participate in logistics committee and supply chain partners meetings to discuss logistics and commodity security issues.
– Report to the MCCH Division Manager on a monthly, quarterly and annually basis on the progress made in the field in the area of logistics management, products use and stock

Minimum Qualifications

  • Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences

    1 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy with experience in the health sector supply chain

    3 Years of relevant experience

  • Master’s degree in Vaccine and Health commodities supply chain Management

    1 Year of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

  • Resource management skills

  • Decision making skills

  • Time management skills

  • Risk management skills

  • Digital literacy skills

  • Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage

  • Analytical and problem solving skills

  • Analytical, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

  • Analytical skills;

Click here to apply



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