Project Manager (under contract) at NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY : Deadline: 09/Nov/2020


Job description


• Coordinate the grant agreement between NIRDA and ENABEL under UEDI and ;

• Conduct timely and quality reporting on the grant agreement to Enabel;

• Liaise with NIRDA management, district management and other government institutions to ensure smooth implementation of UEDI ;

• Work closely with technical team from NIRDA, Districts and Enabel on program implementation;

• Document lessons learned during program implementation to revise activities and inform future programs; SPECIFIC TASKS INCLUDE:

• Coordinate the activities under the grant agreement between NIRDA and ENABEL (timely implementation, liaison with implementers)

• Advise NIRDA and ENABEL on corrective measures to be taken when necessary;

• Liaise and follow
– up with district officials on program implementation;

• Elaborate a strategy/plan to overcome identified gaps/challenges;

• Ensure timely and quality reporting to Enabel l as per the conditions in the grant agreement;

• Conduct monitoring of the program on day
– to
– day basis;

• Provide monthly reports on progress of the program to NIRDA and Enabel Facilitate addendums to the grant agreement (administrative process);

• Liaise and work closely with finance unit of NIRDA and be the go
– between implementation and finance to get accurate data for the reports;

• Any other tasks related to the implementation of this program

Job profile


•A Master’s degree in Economics, Business Management, Development, Finance, Administration, social sciences, project management, Engineering and other related fields.

• A minimum of 3 years’ experience with project management

• At least 3 years’ experience in a coordination position (can be part of the above requested expertise but then in a coordination position)

• Experience with working as a project coordinator or manager for a development partner will be an advantage NB: The proof of the required documents must be uploaded in IPPIS ( PDF format ) for our verification.

Click here to apply



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