Principal Technical officer in charge of IT Procurement and IT Contract Management at Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA): Deadline:8 May 2023

A Principal Technical officer in charge of IT procurement and IT contract Management will assist during the implementation of the IT procurement and management of IT contracts.
Key duties and responsibilities
  1. Monitor contract execution in collaboration with the concerned users;
  2. Manage the various terms and clauses in contracts in order to stay compliant with regulations and legislation and protect against legal issues.
  3. Manage annual contract renewals.
  4. Keeping a thorough and substantial record of all documents and data attached to a contract to provide an audit trail that mitigates risk and protects the institution business from any potential litiga

Required Academic Qualification
   Preferred Qualifications
  1. Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology specialized in Information Technology
  2. Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Sciences specialized in Information Technology
  3. Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering specialized in Information Technology
  4. Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic and Telecommunication specialized in Information Technology
  5. Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Electronics and Telecommunication specialized in Information Technology
  6. Bachelor’s Degree in Science in Information Technology
  7. Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Honours in Computer Science
  8. Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Honours in Information Management
  9. Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Honours in Software Engineering
  10. Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Honours in Network & Communication Systems
  11. Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Honours in Information System and Management
  12. Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Honours in Software Engineering
  13. Bachelor’s Degree in Business Information Communication and Technology

   Relevant Qualifications
Required Trainings
  1. Public procurement, contract management or any other related training
Skill Type Required Skill Required Proficiency level
Extensive Technology Knowledge Knowledge and understanding of all relevant Information Technology standards. low
Laws Contract drafting advanced
Laws Interpreting technical requirements into legal terms advanced

Required Competencies
  1. Communication
  2. Analytical skills
  3. Adhering to organizational values and diversity
  4. Risk management
Required Experiences
  1. 6 years experience in Strong analytics skills, IT knowledge, and excellent planning capacity. Report writing skills, analytical skills, customers care ability.


Click here for details & Apply


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