Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (M/F) Enabel | kigali :Deadline :26-02-2023



Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (M/F)

Enabel is a Belgian development agency. It implements Belgium’s governmental cooperation. The agency also works for other national and international donors. With its partners in Belgium and abroad, Enabel offers solutions to address pressing global challenges – Agriculture Development and Food Security, Climate Change, Urbanisation, Human Mobility, Peace and Security, Economic and Social Inequality – and to promote Global Citizenship. With 2,000 staff, Enabel manages about 170 projects in twenty countries, in Belgium, Africa, and the Middle East.

Its staff members in Brussels and overseas embody the commitment of the Belgian State and other development partners to international solidarity.

The EU Action document “Transformational climate-smart and inclusive agriculture in Rwanda”, of which this intervention is a part, has as an Overall Objective ‘to consolidate the sustainable agricultural transformation in Rwanda’ and as specific Objectives: 1) to foster Rwanda’s agricultural transition to socially and environmentally inclusive food systems and 2) to ensure Rwanda’s environmental and climate sustainability.

The ”KWIHAZA – Transformation towards sustainable food systems” intervention contributes directly to Specific Objective 1.

For this intervention, the following overall and specific objectives have been defined:

The overall objective:  To contribute to the transition towards socially and environmentally inclusive food systems with the development of the value chains in the aquaculture, fishery, and horticultural sectors.

The specific objective: To increase in a sustainable way the production, per capita consumption, and income generated by fish, aquaculture, and horticulture quality products, with a focus on women and youth.

 Given the further development of its activities, Enabel is currently looking for a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (M/F) for the intervention “KWIHAZA – Transformation towards sustainable food systems”.

Location: Kigali, Rwanda. 

Duration of the contract: Open-ended employment contract – local contract according to the Rwandan labor law 

Expected starting date: April 2023 

Salary package according to our salary grids (class 5: M&E Officer):   From 1.932.107 RWF gross salary depending on the number of years of relevant experience.


Under the direct supervision of the Intervention Manager and in close collaboration with members of the intervention team, the implementing partners (grantees and services providers), and stakeholders the M&E officer will ensure the availability of relevant information on the evolution of the intervention (outcomes and results) and use it for reporting, decision making, learning, and capitalization, while rendering account on the performance of the intervention to stakeholders, donor and public at large.

 In general (s)he will:

  • Lead the development and implementation of a results-based M&E framework emphasizing results and impacts and using user-friendly templates/tools in line in line with the broader M&E guidelines and the existing tools of Enabel ;
  • Train and follow up with implementing partners on the use of the framework and its tools;
  • Consolidate the M&E activity reports of partners in accordance with approved reporting formats and ensure their timely submission
  • Undertake regular visits to the field to support the implementation of M&E and to identify where adaptations might be needed
  • Support the preparation of the M&E plan, including helping interventions establish baselines, targets, and indicators;
  • Prepare and present a regular basis analysis of data and support all levels for improvement of data reporting and data use;
  • Check that monitoring data are discussed in the appropriate forum and in a timely fashion in terms of implications for future action. If necessary, create such discussion forums to fill any gaps;
  • Assure with the help of the communication department, the communication officer communication on relevant achievements and success stories;
  • Network with other Enabel M&E experts and partner organizations, provide expertise on M&E to the overall Enabel across specific workgroups/circles to be put in place ;
  • Contribute proactively to the interventions/portfolio mid- and end-term review and evaluation processes;
  • Continuously monitor the evolution of information sources in the sector and the development environment;
  • Give support to the finalization/closing of an ongoing (end of operational phase December 2023) intervention in the poultry and piggery value chains (= PRIM Enabel);


qualification and experience

  • Rwandan Citizen;
  • Master’s degree or equivalent in Economics, Statistics, Monitoring, and Evaluation, or other areas closely relevant.
  • At least 5 years of working experience in M&E in public, private, or international organizations;
  • Working experience in the area of value chain development and/or in the field of private sector development with a diversity of actors (small and large scale producers) will be an asset

 Technical skills

  • Skills in manipulating M&E tools;
  • Excellent skills in knowledge management or learning;
  • Advanced skills in mobile data collection tools (e.g. Kobo Toolbox, ODK);
  • Excellent skills in EXCEL and other analysis tools (EpiInfo, Stata, SPSS, etc.)
  • Expertise in M&E methodologies including the various approaches and theories, the norms and standards, the quantitative and qualitative methods, the quality and validity of data, the analysis and interpretation of the data;
  • Expertise in reporting and learning exercises;
  • Fluency in spoken and excellent writing skills in English (as skills in French will be an asset);
  • A strong M&E network, allowing data sourcing/data sharing from and with other organizations/institutions will be an asset;
  • Strong communication skills;


  • Mature and team player
  • Ability to work under stressful conditions with the flexibility to work overtime and undertake field missions
  • Ability to work with a variety of actors and stakeholders with good communication skills
  • Ability to work independently and proactively to produce expected results
  • High level of rigor and integrity
  • Proactive
  • Adaptability, cultural-gender-age-religion-nationality sensitivity

Applicants are also required to commit to the vision, mission, and values of Enabel (

Following this recruitment procedure, a shortlist of successful applicants may be constituted which may be sourced in the next three years for similar job openings.

 How to Apply

Interested applicants fulfilling the above-mentioned criteria are invited to submit their application documents through Job in Rwanda by filling out the application form carefully including detailed Curriculum Vitae (max 5 pages), a motivation letter, and a copy of a university degree(s). Past and current service certificates also need to be attached to the application (unproven experience will not be considered during the shortlisting). Submit the full file no later than 26th February 2023.

Enabel is committed to equal opportunities and diversity in its workforce. We do not discriminate on the basis of gender, origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability status, or any other factor other than competence. 

Only successful applicants will be contacted.

Enabel never requests money to be part of any of the recruitment processes.

Done at Kigali, 10th February 2023

Resident Representative, Enabel Rwanda


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