Midwifery at UNFPA : Deadline:May 09, 2023



Mission and objectives

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. UNFPA expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy and productive lives. UNFPA helps to ensure the wider availability of reproductive health and youth-friendly HIV prevention services through a framework of appropriate national policies, strategies, and guidelines. It backs high-quality, disaggregated data to guide policy making and planning. Programmes also strengthen responses to gender-based violence and help to empower women in rural areas. Since UNFPA started working in 1969, the number – and rate – of women dying from complications of pregnancy or childbirth has been halved. Families are smaller and healthier. Young people are more connected and empowered than ever before.


Building on achievements attained during the previous programme and taking into account evaluation findings and lessons learnt, the 8th Country Programme is built around four outputs which contribute directly to UNFPA Strategic plan outcomes and to UNDAP:

(i) National and subnational institutions have enhanced capacities to develop and implement strategies, guidelines and standards for increased access to sexual and reproductive health and rights information and services;

(ii) National and subnational institutions have enhanced capacities to effectively deliver integrated and youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services, including in humanitarian situations;

(iii) Young people, especially young girls, are equipped with knowledge and skills to make informed decisions on reproductive health and rights and fully participate in development and humanitarian actions

(iv) Government institutions at the national and subnational level are better able to generate and use disaggregated data to inform policies and programmes that address inequalities in development and humanitarian settings.

The Rwanda Association of Midwives (RAM) was formed in 2011 and registered as a Non-Government Organization (NGO) by Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) 25/04/2018. RAM became a member of the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) in 2013. RAM became a member of Confederation of African Midwives Association (CONAMA) in 2018. RAM is the professional organization representing midwives and the practice of midwifery in Rwanda The UNV midwife will spend his/her time in the RAM office focusing on the strengthening of the association and the implementation of midwifery policies and strategic plans. Before starting duties, the UNV midwife will be required to present a licence of practicing midwifery profession from the Rwandan Council of Nurses and Midwives-Rwanda.

Task description

Under the direct supervision of the NPO-Maternal Health and midwifery the UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks:

● Support the implementation of capacity building activities and other interventions that are prioritised by the 5 years’ strategic plan for the Rwanda Association of the Midwives (RAM). Including close collaboration with the National Council for Nurses and Midwives, HRH secretariat and RBC as well as other UNFPA IP’s.

● Strengthen RAMs internal capacity through available training.

● Contribute to ongoing efforts of RAM in spearheading innovations for enhanced SRH demand creation and service delivery with a particular focus on midwifery and maternal health.

● Contribute to raising the visibility of UNFPA work around midwifery and its impact to communities. This include but is not limited to writing articles, reports, post, presentations, among others

● Ensure that RAM members and other midwives are updated with new evidence on a regular basis.

● Undertake any other task that may be required by his/her supervisor/office

● Furthermore, UN Volunteers are required to:

● Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activities (for instance in events that mark International Volunteer Day);

● Be acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country;

● Reflect on the type and quality of voluntary action that they are undertaking, including participation in ongoing reflection activities;

● Contribute articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.;

● Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly arrived UN Volunteers;

● Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteering, or encourage relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible.

Eligibility criteria


27 – 80


Candidate must be a national or legal resident of the country of assignment


Required experience

3 years of experience in midwifery practice from a recognized public or private health facility that provides Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care 24/7 Registered midwife with a valid licence of practice from the regulatory body for the midwifery profession in Rwanda Having completed the Helping Mother Survive and Helping Baby Survive trainings programs would be an added value Being an active member of the Rwanda Association of Midwives Having assumed a role in Rwanda Association of Midwives would be an added advantage Field based research experience Excellent writing skills.

Area(s) of expertise


Driving license


English, Level: Fluent, Required French, Level: Working knowledge, Desirable Kinyarwanda, Level: Fluent, Required

Required education level

Bachelor degree or equivalent in A Pre-Registration Honours Bachelor of Science (BSc) Degree in Midwifery with a degree in Midwifery or public health

Competencies and values

☒ Ethics and Values

☒ Integrity

☒ Judgement and Decision-making

☒ Knowledge Sharing

☒ Leadership

☐ Managing Performance

☒ Planning and Organizing

Other information

Living conditions and remarks

Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, has undergone an incredible period of rejuvenation and stability that is clearly visible the moment you step out into this beautiful city. Concerning transport, even though motorcycle taxis are not recommended, they are the fastest way to get around this metropolis. Helmets are provided, but it is better to have your own helmet. You can also take a standard taxi. Those with a yellow stripe will be run by individuals, while the majority will belong to either Kigali Taxi Service (3122) or Kigali Airport Taxis (476586).

Public transportation is the cheapest way to get around Kigali, and many of the buses are new and well-maintained. You can also take these buses farther afield; expect to pay a fare based on distance. Transport prepaid cards are available for passengers at each bus station, and you can load a minimum amount of two hundred Rwandan francs (200RWF). If public transport isn’t your style, cars are available for rent or purchase in Kigali. Major investment has been made in infrastructure, including roads, and congestion in this city has never been particularly bad. Accommodations are found easily and at the relevant standards and recreation infrastructures (swimming pools, aerobics, etc…) can be found in the various places. Shops and markets are available with necessary items including imported goods, home furnishings and electrical appliances and vehicles spare parts. Public and private health facilities are available in Kigali and some of them such as King Faisal Hospital, Legacy Clinic, Hôpital la Croix du Sud, etc …work with CIGNA insurance.

The above Hospitals have necessary health equipment; ambulances, adequate health services and can handle any emergency. Kigali is an exceptionally safe city. However, in case of emergency, there are several emergency numbers in Kigali, so be sure to know which to call. You can reach the police on a special line by dialling 999. Fire fighters can be reached at 111 and the emergency services are at 112. If you have or see a traffic accident, call 113.

Click here for details & Apply


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