Media Skills (Focus: Content Moderation) & Community Media Networks online from Germany


Media Skills (Focus: Content Moderation) & Community Media Networks online from Germany


24-28 June 2021 | Online via Zoom, GermanyOnline training course on media skills with a focus on content moderation and GDPR guidelines to enable local community media networks to produce real news about their own area.

Are you interested in…

…gaining a deep understanding of how fake news impact our society?

…becoming part of the solution by learning about the potential of community media?

…taking part in a training on content moderation and GDPR guidelines?

…becoming part of a local community media network producing real and authentic local news?

Then our training is right for you!

The following topics will be covered:

how to find suitable news channels for news content

successful and efficient moderation of media content based on different models and tools

production of media content according to GDPR, copyright guidelines

using a specifically developed online learning platform

how to become part of a “community media network” producing real and authentic local news

An additonal module will offer an introduction to basic media production skills (i.e. video, audio, blogging, photo, graphic design).

Training program:

This training will be held in German; it will take place online via Zoom in three sessions:

June 24th – 17:00-20:00CET   

June 25th – 17:00-20:00CET

June 28th – 17:00-20:00CET

These online sessions will be complemented by two days of free individual learning on the 26th and 27th of June, where participants are invited to use our learning resources by themselves and work on a simple and fun assignment.

What is the WIRES-CROSSED project about?

WIRES-CROSSED is a two-year Erasmus+ project that aims to build a community media framework that equips local communities with all the knowledge, skills and competences to develop, manage and maintain a comprehensive media service to local residents. The project partners seek to bring local groups together under a common community media banner promoting real news about their local area.

Would you like to register for this training course?

We are looking for participants with a genuine interest in the production of real, local news who want to support or become part of a  Community Media Team. Participants without a professional background in media or journalism are explicitly welcome to join! Moreover, the most engaged participant will get the chance to travel to a 5-day workshop in Croatia in July/August 2021.

If you want to register for this online training course, please fill out the online registration form until June 22nd. 

In case of questions, feel free to call (+49 351 899 605 45) or send an e-mail to

Official website


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