MANUTECH SLEIGHT Scholarships for Master and PhD in France


MANUTECH SLEIGHT Graduate School is a unique integrated research and training program on Light-Surfaces Engineering. This Graduate School provides an international graduate program (Master and Ph.D. programs) and offers an extremely favorable environment for training and cross-disciplinary research in the domain of Surfaces Light Engineering Health and Society. MANTECH SLEIGHT Graduate School offers scholarships for international students wishing to follow the MLDM master program. Interested students should first apply to the MLDM master program (see Application deadline). Upon the quality of the applications, the admission board will champion the best ones.

ERASMUS and BRMI mobility grant (only available after the first year of the MLDM master program)
Read more on: ERASMUS and BRMI

Other financial helps
Note that enrolled students will have to do an internship of 3 (up to 5) months in France or in another country during the second semester in a lab or a company. In France, Master level internships are by law remunerated with a minimum amount of about 550€ per month. Students will also have to do their Master thesis in the form of a 4 (up to 6) months internship in a lab or a company (also remunerated with a minimum amount of 550€ per month).

Official website


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