Leibniz University of Hannover Financial Support for International Students in Germany


The International Office awards emergency grants (“Notfall-Beihilfen”) and degree completion grants (“Studienabschlussbeihilfen”) to international students from non-EU countries who are currently enrolled at Leibniz University Hannover.

mergency Grant (“Notfall-Beihilfe”)

International students who are temporarily in an acute financial emergency through no fault of their own can apply for emergency aid. Applicants must be enrolled at Leibniz Universität Hannover and not be on leave of absence. As a rule, this allowance can only be granted once during the period of study. Exceptions are possible in cases of hardship, but must be justified separately.

The amount of the emergency grant depends on the type of emergency and the available funds.

Personal counselling is recommended before applying for emergency grant. Please direct requests for counselling to:


Emergency Grant Application FormPDF, 441 KB Download
Guideline for awarding Emergency GrantsPDF, 312 KB Download

Degree Completion Grant (“Studienabschlussbeihilfe”)

Please submit your application for a Degree Completion Grant until 15th of July 2021.

The Degree Completion Grant (“Studienabschlussbeihilfe”) aims to support international students at Leibniz University Hannover during their degree completion phase who are experiencing financial difficulty, due to unexpected circumstances through no fault of their own.

A grant can be awarded to international students who, at the time of application, have already registered for the thesis.

Due to the current situation, applications can only be submitted electronically! Please make sure that your application is complete and all required documents are submitted!

Please send application and documents to HI-Beihilfe@zuv.uni-hannover.de.

Guidelines for the award of a degree completion grant

Application FormPDF, 69 KB Download

Official website


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