King College’s London Introduction to Business Management Course

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King College’s London Introduction to Business Management Course

Explore what it means to be a business manager

On this course, you’ll develop a range of business management skills relevant to your life, university study or the world of work.

You’ll learn how to use and apply useful business concepts, tools and terminology whilst exploring four key aspects of business management: managing money, managing people, managing information, and – most importantly – managing and understanding yourself.

You’ll learn to communicate professionally in common business situations. You’ll reflect on your own management and leadership style and consider the concepts of success, sustainability, and social responsibility.

What topics will you cover?

Managing yourself: introduction to management and leadership styles.

Managing money and key financial concepts, including the implications of various sources of finance and the relative importance of cash flow and profit.

Managing people, stakeholder management and professional communication.

Managing Information: different information types and key information management issues.

The roles businesses play in the lives of people and communities, and social responsibility.

Aspects of growth and the effects of success.

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