Intervention Manager (M/F) for the Agroforestry and Biomass Energy Projects at Enabel | Kigali : Deadline: 05-03-2023




Enabel is the Belgian development agency. It implements Belgium’s governmental cooperation. The agency also works for other national and international donors. With its partners in Belgium and abroad, Enabel offers solutions to address pressing global challenges – Agriculture development and Food Security, Climate Change, Urbanisation, Human Mobility, Peace and Security, Economic and Social Inequality – and to promote Global Citizenship. With 2,000 staff, Enabel manages about 170 projects in twenty countries, in Belgium, Africa and the Middle East.

Its staff members in Brussels and overseas embody the commitment of the Belgian State and other development partners to international solidarity.

Currently there are three projects that Enabel is implementing in the Agro forestry within Rwanda’s Development Sector of Climate, Environment and Natural Resources Management:

(1)  DeSIRA – Agroforestry research project (2020- 2024)

From 01st February 2020, the Belgian Development Agency ( Enabel ) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment  (MoE)  through Rwanda Forestry Authority (RFA), the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) and Academic Institutions including University of Rwanda (UR), University of Gent (UG) and University of Leuven (KUL) are implementing a joint  5 years (2020-2024) on Agroforestry research project  financed by the European Union , named DeSIRA..

The EU-DeSIRA program (Development –Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture and Food systems) is a new partnership initiative developed by the European Commission as part of the EU’s Development Cooperation Instruments, and it aims at:

  • Incorporating science in development work with a view to foster innovations for increased impact;
  • Building –up in country research capacities for innovation.
  • Strengthening partnerships with EU and international research entities.

The specific objective of the DeSIRA- Agroforestry research project (2020-2024) is to effectively understand and demonstrate the ecological, social and economic pathways to, and resultant benefits from the scale up of agroforestry-based restoration and sustainable biomass use, particularly focusing on the Eastern province and the peri-urban Kigali City.

The project is built around 5 expected results:

  1. Tested knowledge on scalable agroforestry systems and components from an ecological services perspective (including biodiversity, carbon sequestration, water retention, microclimate, and productivity).
  2. Tested and proven knowledge in the further development and diversification of climate resilient, high nutrition value chains from agroforestry landscapes of the Eastern province and peri-urban areas of Kigali city.
  3. Evidence based knowledge on wood biomass demands and supply potential and local expertise in high efficient, durable, affordable and user-friendly improved cooking stoves (ICS) and their supply chains is generated and strengthened.
  4. The most important socio-economic barriers to restoration and adoption of agroforestry practices are identified, tackled and new opportunities for economic incentives are implemented.
  5. Institutional capacity to create enabling conditions for agroforestry-based landscape restoration and sustainable use of biomass energy enhanced.

From the above, Enabel in close collaboration with KUL , ICRAF and UR  is responsible for implementing Result 3, Result 4 and partly Result 5 , while IUCN  in close collaboration with UGent , ICRAF and UR  is responsible for Result 1, Result 2 and partly Result 5.   

(2)  TREPA project ( 2021-2027)

In July 2021 the Board of Green Climate Fund (GCF) approved a 6 years TREPA project (“Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation”), a multi-stakeholder project financed through the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as an Accredited Entity which signed a Master Agreement with the GCF on behalf of other parties, including the Ministry of Environment, Rwanda Forestry Authority, Enabel, ICRAF, World Vision and CORDAID.

The project effectiveness letter for implementation start-up was signed on 23rd December 2021.

This project is focusing on landscapes restoration for adaptation of the Eastern province of Rwanda to droughts, through sustainable forest management, dissemination of agroforestry and silvopastoral technics, restoration of protective forests, dissemination of clean cooking solutions, farmers group organization, access to microfinance and support to products value chains, etc.

Enabel is one of the 3 executing entities (which are Enabel, IUCN and Rwanda Forestry Authority RFA) and will be in charge of the output 1.2.3, 1.5 and partly 3.4 (Agroforestry and cooking solutions knowledge generation through DeSIRA project as co-finance to TREPA):

  • Output 1.2.3 concerns rehabilitation of 4000 ha of private smallholder forests in the Eastern Province through the Private Forest Management Unit (PFMU) approach (regrouping in cooperative small-holder forest owner and restoring their degraded forest into productive plantation), which has been successfully piloted by the former Enabel FMBE project;
  • Output 1.5 is about the dissemination of clean cooking fuel and technology solutions is targeting about 100,000 rural households of the Eastern Province, with the setting of clean cooking rural hubs linked to subsidy/microfinance schemes, building on lessons learned from the DESIRA project currently implemented in the same area by Enabel;

In addition, Enabel provides support to the RFA for the implementation of the outputs 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 on the review and implementation of District Forest Management Plans (DFMPs) by using the FMES database software developed recently with the support of Enabel.

For more details on TREPA project, please refer to the project proposal available at ).

(3) COMBIO Project (2021- 2027)

In addition to TREPA, Enabel is also co-implementing with RFA and IUCN another Community Biodiversity Project financed by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), complementing the GCF- TREPA  project. This intervention entitled “Reducing vulnerability to climate change through enhanced community-based biodiversity conservation in the Eastern Province of Rwanda (COMBIO)” , will be implemented in the same intervention zones as GCF-TREPA ,  contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation through enhanced community-based biodiversity restoration and conservation in the Eastern Province of Rwanda.

COMBIO is structured around and aims at achieving the following outcomes:

  • Outcome1: Restored, enhanced, and protected biodiversity for increased climate resilience in productive and protective landscapes.
  • Outcome2: Improved livelihood of community through biodiversity-based enterprises and developed value chains.
  • Outcome3: Strengthened and coordinated community based knowledge and National monitoring systems for biodiversity conservation.

Enabel is primarily responsible to setting up a network of about 35 community biodiversity natural sanctuaries (five per each district with about 20 hectares each sanctum), as well as development of nature -based community enterprises and value chains associated with these sanctuaries.

Given the further development of its activities Enabel is currently looking for an Intervention Manager (M/F) for the Agroforestry and Biomass Energy Projects.

Location: Kigali, Rwanda. 

Duration of the contract: Open-ended employment contract – local contract according to the Rwandan labour law 

Expected starting date: April 2023 

Salary package according to our salary grids (class 6: Intervention Manager):   From 3.351.622RWF gross salary depending on the number of years of relevant experience.


Under the direct supervision of the Country Portfolio Manager and in close collaboration with members of the intervention team, the implementing partners (grantees and services providers) and stakeholders, the Intervention Manager is in charge of managing the projects in Enabel Agro-forestry domain, in order to guarantee their optimal implementation, in accordance with the orientations of the Technical and Financial Files and those of the Steering Committee of the project.

His/her role is to ensure that each project is properly implemented and monitored, according to Enabel project implementation guidelines and in line with the Rwandan government and third-party Partners whenever it applies. He/she provides advice, support, oversight, and guidance to the project team in all aspects of project management (coordination, finance, procurement, HR, communication, risks, time, M&E and project scope). He/she will be responsible for the monitoring of the project, to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and positive outcomes. He/she will also give high priority to the capacity development of his direct counterparts and other key actors.

In general (s)he will: 

(1) Overall coordination of DeSIRA, TREPA and COMBIO projects and  team management:

  • Ensure all projects results are well coordinated around the achievement of the intended objectives;
  • Organise, coordinate and technically supervise the implementation of each project activities in accordance with the approved work plans;.
  • Provide management support to all TAs and other consultants working under the project;
  • Attend and prepare the Steering Committee meetings on a regular basis and follow-up timely and adequate implementation of the PSC decisions;
  • Prepare the operations plans and any reports to be submitted to the Steering Committee for approval or information;
  • Liaise with other projects and partners in the Climate Change, Environment and Natural Resources Sector  to ensure lessons exchanges throughout the projects implementation
  • Provide updates to project (s) stakeholders including the Belgian Embassy, at TWGs and SWG platforms;.
  • Report quarterly to Enabel Rwanda Representation through MOPA (Country Portforlio Monitoring) or more frequently as needed,

(2) Scope and quality (M&E) management:

  • Develop and implement each project monitoring and evaluation plan..
  • Provide strategic guidance and advice in relation to the achievement of the project specific objective(s) and results,;
  • Ensure quality and sustainability of project(s) results through strategic and operational planning, monitoring and controlling, and continuous improvement;
  • Provide technical inputs into the preparation of terms of reference for the various studies and capacity building activities subcontracted and support Counterpart Government Agency to ensure their adequate. implementation;
  • Ensure coherence and coordination of project(s) strategies and activities.  

(3) Administration, Huma Resources and Financial Management:

  • Be responsible for the preparation of financial and procurement planning, and budgeted work plans for DeSIRA, TREPA and COMBIO projects and ensure those plans are exchanged with respective partners;
  • Manage all financial administration issues: solve problems, help improve procurement and financial administration,
  • Ensure a correct, smooth and efficient organization of the financial administration;
  • Ensure all instructions received from the representation or Enabel headquarters are correctly applied and followed and that the requests are met within the deadline.
  • In collaboration with the experts, ensure appropriate and timely procurement of goods and services required for the implementation of each project as well as contracts management processes;
  • In consultation with Enabel Financial Advisor and Financial controller, ensure appropriate financial management of the projects and timely production of financial reports to the Donors and deemed partners;
  • Follow up and update of budgets;
  • In collaboration with the Financial Advisor, ensure overall management of bank accounts, making cash calls on basis of the financial planning.
  • Ensure regular performance follow up, updates and evaluations with staff under direct reporting within Enabel HR system
  • Ensure conducive work environment and wellbeing of the entire team

(4) Communication Management

  • Ensure proper communication systems and procedures inside and outside the project, in collaboration with technical teams and BTC communication experts.

(5) Operational and Fiduciary Risks Management

  • Manage each project risks, by updating the risk follow-up table and ensuring that risk mitigation actions are properly implemented. 

(6) Facilitation and stakeholders’ coordination 

  • Cochair the TWG Forestry and the TWG Biomass until further changes, in line with the TORs of those technical working groups.


qualification and experience

  • Allowed to work in Rwanda;
  • Advanced degree (Masters or beyond) in the fields of Development Cooperation, Economics, public or private sector Management, Agro-forestry, Agriculture, Rural development studies, Environmental studies, natural resources management or related fields;
  • At least 5 years’ experience in development cooperation project management.

technical skills

  • Thorough knowledge of project management methodologies
  • Proven experience of work with development partners and stakeholders in agroforestry, environment and /or natural resources management at large.
  • Previous experience and personal network with relevant ministries or technical institutes in Rwanda in the sectors is an advantage
  • Expertise in reporting and learning exercises;
  • Perfect working knowledge of English, knowledge of Kinyarwanda and/or French being an asset.
  • Strong communication skills;


  • Mature and team player
  • Ability to work under stressful conditions with flexibility to working overtime and undertaking field missions.
  • Ability to work with a variety of actors and stakeholders with good communication skills
  • Ability to work independently and proactively to produce expected results.
  • High level of rigor and integrity
  • Adaptability, cultural-gender-age-religion-nationality sensitivity
  • Able to fit in a collaborative governance mindset (Self responsible, accountable, authentic communication …)

Applicants are also required to commit to the vision, mission and values of Enabel ( .

Following this recruitment procedure, a shortlist of successful applicants may be constituted which may be sourced in the next three years for similar job openings. 

How to Apply

Interested applicants fulfilling the above-mentioned criteria are invited to submit their application documents through Job in Rwanda by filling out the application form carefully” including a detailed Curriculum Vitae (max 5 pages), a motivation letter, and a copy of university degree(s). Past and current service certificates also need to be attached to the application (unproven experience will not be considered during the shortlisting). Submit the full file no later than 05th March 2023.

Enabel is committed to equal opportunities and diversity in its workforce. We do not discriminate based on gender, origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability status, or any other factor other than competence. 

Only successful applicants will be contacted.

Enabel never requests money to be part of any of the recruitment processes.

Done at Kigali, 13th February 2023

Resident Representative, Enabel Rwanda


Click here to apply


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