Free International internship program for Master and PhD students 2021-2022, Quebec, Canada (Deadline: 1 March 2021)


International internship program for Master and PhD students 2021-2022, Quebec, Canada (Deadline: 1 March 2021)

Application details

Deadline for applications: March 1, 2021


The FRQNT’s (Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies) international internship aims to foster international mobility of students whose research activities are part of the scientific program of a strategic cluster funded by the FRQNT.

The internship is a supplementary tool available to a strategic cluster to strengthen its position at the international level through research projects and partnerships that have already been established or which are under development.


The international internship is intended for Master’s or doctoral students enrolled full-time in a Quebec university or in an university outside Québec who meets the requirements of their program.

The proposed research outlined in the application as part of the internship must be part of the scientific program of the strategic cluster. In a first step, the strategic cluster recommends a candidate and then the candidate can apply for the scholarship.

Eligibility conditions

All of the strategic clusters supported by the FRQNT may submit an application to this program.

The applicant proposed by the strategic cluster must meet all of the eligibility requirements listed here after.


For full-time students enrolled in a Québec university

The applicant must have Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status in Canada, or foreign student status with a valid study permit to study in Quebec

For foreign students enrolled in an university outside Québec

The applicant must have valid study permits or visas for the entire duration of the internship;

The applicant can’t be enrolled in a co-degree from more than one institution including a Québec university. For the students enrolled in a co-degree see the rules of the Frontenac program.

Location of the internship

The internship must take place outside Quebec for students enrolled in a Quebec university. The internship must occur in Quebec for students from abroad.

Duration of the internship

The internship must be of a minimum duration of 2 months and a maximum of 6 months.

Start date of the internship

The internship must start no later than September 30th, 2020.


Students who are jointly supervised by a researcher in a foreign university (co-degree) are not eligible to apply for an international internship scholarship to visit one of their home universities

Application process

Candidates interested within this program must file their application within their strategic cluster (see list  on FRQNT’s Web Site) Validate the list of documents required for this application with the specific strategic cluster.

The strategic clusters which recommend a candidate must fill the specific form available on FRQNT’s Web site as well as transmit it electronically. The form includes the complete addresses of the student, the academic supervisor, and the internship supervisor. A brief description of the nature of the internship is also required.

The strategic clusters must also submit the selection committee report that states the results for each of the three criteria in effect, the assessment process and the names of the committee members. This report should briefly explain the efforts taken to ensure a fair and inclusive selection process, thus fostering the support of diversified interns.The strategic clusters must also send in the electronic form, a letter signed by the supervisor of the student specifying the start and end dates of the internship.

Any internship application must be filed by the strategic cluster and approved by the FRQNT before the leaving of the trainee.

Application deadlines

Each strategic cluster may submit applications form at all time from mid-November until March 1, 2020.

Limited number of applications

Each strategic cluster may generally submit up to two applications until the contest deadline. In no case should the total financial assistance of the two candidates exceed the total amount of $ 15,000. This limit can be re-examined and increased at all time until the contest deadline.

Each strategic cluster can propose the application one foreign students enrolled outside Québec maximum, so they can pursue their internship within the strategic cluster in Québec The rules are the same for evaluating the candidate, the duration of his or hers internships and the value of the scholarship apply. The application of a foreign student enrolled outside Québec doesn’t modify the total limit of two candidates and the total amount of 15 000$ per cluster.

Value of the scholarship

. The scholarship is an allowance of $ 2,500 CAD per month. The maximum value of a scholarship or both of the scholarships is $ 15,000 CAD.


Source / More information: Official Website.


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