Internal Auditor at RWANDA MINES, PETROLEUM AND GAS BOARD: Deadline: 07/Oct/2020


Job description

– Ensure regularity of expenditure and payment in accordance with laws and procedures governing public expenditure;
– Conduct a posteriori control of the budget execution of the Presidency Office or under execution on special request;
– Check that accounts books are regularly kept and ensure that operations are quickly recorded with their exact amounts in appropriate accounts, in the accounting period during which they were made, so as to allow, on one hand, preparation of financial information according to adopted accounting methods and, on the other hand, to justify the good management of property;
– Verify conformity, legality and accuracy of all debt documents,
– Ensure that operations are executed in accordance with the rules and regulations in force;
– Ensure that access to assets is only possible when authorized by the unit entrusted with finance management;
– Check that accounting entries reflecting movements of assets are related, within a reasonable interval, and that these assets exist and that appropriate measures are taken according to each difference noticed;
– Submit a monthly report and an annual summary report and as often as required to the Presidency office holding Finance within his remit;
– Carry out auditing of all services of the Presidency office to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of their functioning,
– Check that the funds allocated are used according to priority programs of the Board.

Job profile

A0 in Accounting, Public Finance or Management with specialization in Finance/Accounting. Key technical skills and knowledge required: Detailed knowledge of financial and audit standards, HR and Financial regulations, procedures, Knowledge of Financial software Planning skills; Excellent communication, organisation and interpersonal skills; Computer skills;

Click here  to apply


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