Imyanya y’akazi muri SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda: Deadline:14 July 2020


SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda is an independent, non-governmental social development & child-focused organization. The Organization supports vulnerable children and young people in four locations of Kigali, Gicumbi, Kayonza, and Nyamagabe. SOS Rwanda applies a one program approach in its education, family strengthening, health, and community development programs, that support a holistic approach in the interest of the child.

Kanda kumwanya ushaka:


1. Driver – Quality Care / BMZ Project:Deadline:14 July 2020

2. Project Field Officer – Quality Care / BMZ Project: Deadline: 14th, 2020  at 5:00…

3. Project Coordinator – Quality Care / BMZ Project: Deadline: July 14th, 2020  at 5:00…




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