1. Good Governance & Specific program specialist

Job responsibilities

– Implement good governance and specific programs & strategies at Sector level and consolidate data/reports thereof emanating from Cells; – Monitor the functioning of the good governance and specific programs service at the Sector level and organize programs aimed at improving good governance – Organize and conduct campaigns meant to raise local population awareness on the importance of good governance and specific programs; – Receive, channel and follow-up on population complains and grievances; – Monitor Abunzi activities and strengthen them through capacity building; – Prepare and monitor umuganda activities in the Sector and consolidate reports thereof from Cells; – Analyze and exploit all reports of the Cell Councils with the intent to identify issues which need the Sector Council’s attention.


    • 1

      Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 2

      Bachelor’s Degree in Administrative Sciences

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 3

      Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 4

      Advanced Diploma in Governance and Leadership

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 5

      Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 6

      Bachelor’s Degree in Political Sciences

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 7

      Advanced Diploma in Rural Development

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 8

      Bachelor’s Degree in Rural Development

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 9

      Advanced Diploma in Public Administration

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 10

      Advanced Diploma in Administrative Sciences

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 11

      Advanced Diploma in Political Sciences

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 12

      Bachelor’s Degree in Community Development

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 13

      Bachelor’s Degree in Governance

      0 Year of relevant experience

  • 14

    Advanced Diploma in Community Development

    0 Year of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Time management skills

    • 2
      Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French. Knowledge of Swahili is an added advantage

    • 3
      Complex Problem solving

    • 4
      Computer Skills

    • 5
      Organizational Skills

    • 6
      High analytical Skills

    • 7
      Team working Skills

    • 8
      In-depth understanding and knowledge of the Rwandan and regional context for agribusiness development

  • 9
    Extensive knowledge and understanding of Local Government Policies

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2. Forest extensionist  (UNder Contract)

Job responsibilities

– Organize, in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders, trainings and public awareness campaigns meant to disseminate new forestry technologies among beneficiaries; – Supervise the identification and mapping of forest diseases, reforestation and forests protection needs, vulgarization and valorization of trees and forests at the sector level and advise on the preventive and reactive measures across the sector; – Inspect whether mining and forests harvesting practices comply with the applicable regulations and standards; – Maintain an updated database of forests and natural resources operators within the Sector, analyze the impact of their work on sustainable local development and advise the Sector accordingly.


    • 1

      Advanced Diploma in Agroforestry

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 2

      Advanced Diploma (A1) in Forestry

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 3


      0 Year of relevant experience

  • 4


    0 Year of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1

    • 2

    • 3
      Decision making skills

    • 4
      Knowledge of Government policy-making and legislative processes

    • 5
      Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage.

    • 6
      Organizational and planning skills

    • 7
      Knowledge on research and data analysis, reporting, budgeting

    • 8
      Coordination, planning and organizational skills

    • 9
      Knowledge in conflict management

  • 10
    Resources mobilization skills

CLick here to visit the website source



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