Imyanya 16 y’akazi mukarere ka Kayonza.Deadline: 4 posts of Social Economic and Development at KAYONZA District. Deadline : February 11, 2020.


One.  4 posts of Social Economic and Development at KAYONZA District. Deadline : February 11, 2020.

Job Description

Collect and consolidate data on specific public (policy) issues pertaining to socio – economic development and record data about death and birth across the Cell;

Identify socio economic development needs at the Cell level and accordingly advise on response measures;

– Elaborate, under the supervision of the Executive Secretary of the Cell, programs of community works;

– Supervise the execution of community development and citizen participation activities across the Cell and produce consolidated reports thereof;

– Prepare documents to be signed by the Executive Secretary of the Cell and assist him/her in the production of the Cell’s activities performance reports.

– Facilitate gathering data related to the employment status within the cell

Job Profile

A2 in Humanities Sciences, Education, Agriculture, Rural Development
Key Technical Skills and Knowledge Required:

– Extensive knowledge and understanding of the Central and Local Government Functionality;

– In depth understanding and knowldge of the Rwandan and regional context for agribusiness development;

– Computer Skills;

– Organizational Skills;

– Communication Skills;

– High analytical Skills;

– Complex Problem Solving;

– Time management Skills;

– Team working Skills;

Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage


Two. 2 job positions of Land Infrastracture, Habitat & Community Settlement at KAYONZA District. Deadline : February 11, 2020.

Job Description

Implement District’s strategies and programs on land and infrastructure in conformity with existing national policy, rules and regulations;

– Avail necessary data for the issuance of land titles and constitute a database of used and unused land in the Sector.

– Identify infrastructure facilities needs at the Sector level and report them to competent authorities;

– Follow up on activities related to infrastructure works in the sector;

– Implement the District habitat and community settlement plan in conformity with existing rules and regulations;

– Advise on settlement programmes, development and implementation in the Sector in conformity with the District’s strategy and national policies;

– Receive and examine application files for construction and deliver authorization for the rehabilitation of infrastructure;

– Prepare building rehabilitation permits to be issued by the Sector and closely inspect the implementation of the settlement plan;

– Supervise the implementation of strategies and mobilization mechanisms of local population for National Domestic Biogas and Improved Cook Stoves Programs at Sector level;

– Organize, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, rescue and social assistance of victims of disasters at sector level

– Provide data necessary for the functioning of National Early Warning and the Disaster Monitoring Information Systems;

– Work with specialized organizations to organize sessions of disaster simulation and rescue of people

– Organize and conduct campaigns meant to raise local population awareness on preparedness for disaster and its management

Job Profile

A0 / A1 in Land Management, Civil Engineering, Geography, Rural Settlement, Urban Planning

Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:

– Knowledge of Rwanda’s Land, Infrastructures and Community Settlemen

– Deep understanding and knowldge of the Rwandan and regional context for Infrastructure development

– Computer Skills;

– Organizational Skills;

– Communication Skills;

– High analytical Skills;

– Complex Problem Solving;

– Time management Skills;

– Team working Skills;

– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage


Three. 10 JOB POSITIONS OF Forestry and Natural Resources ( Contactual Staff ) at KAYONZA District. Deadline: February 11, 2020.

Job Description

– laborate the Sector’s strategy on forests and natural resources, monitor its implementation across Cells and produce consolidated reports thereof;

– Organize, in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders, trainings and public awareness campaigns meant to disseminate new forestry technologies among beneficiaries;

– Supervise the identification and mapping of forest diseases, reforestation and forests protection needs, vulgarization and valorization of trees and forests at the Cell level and advise on the preventive and reactive measures across the Sector;

– Inspect whether mining and forests harvesting practices comply with the applicable regulations and standards;

– Maintain an updated database of forests and natural resources operators within the Sector, analyze the impact of their work on sustainable local development and advise the Sector accordingly.

Job Profile

A2 in Forestry, Agroforestry, Agriculture

Key Technical Skills & Knowledge required:

– Extensive Knowledge in Forestry and Natural Resources

– Organizational Skills;

– Communication Skills;

– High analytical Skills;

– Complex Problem Solving;

– Time management Skills;

– Team working Skills;

– Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage



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