Imyanya 15 y`akazi muri NATIONAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION mumashami atandukanye: Deadline: 3rd May, 2021 at 5Pm.






The National Public Service Commission (NPSC) is an independent national institution established by the law N° 67/2018 of 30/08/2018 determining the responsibilities, organisation and functioning of National Public Service Commission, with the main mission of overseeing the implementation by public institutions of policies, principles and laws relating to recruitment and management of public servants. It is in this regard that the National Public Service Commission wishes to recruit suitable candidates to fill the following vacant Positions:

1 Procurement 1 COORDINATE THE ANNUAL PROCUREMENT Bachelor’s Degree in Procurement or Purchasing and Supply Chain
officer PLANNING PROCESS Management. Recognized procurement professional certification is
an added advantage.
1. Collect the information from users regarding tenders
to be issued in a given Financial year; A holder of a Degree in Management, Accounting, Law, Public
2. Elaborate the procurement plan for the institution. Finance, Economics   or Civil Engineering   with a professional
certification such as: Charted Institute of Procurement and Supply
COORDINATE   THE IMPLEMENTATION OF (CIPS), Certified International Procurement Professional (CIPP),
THE PROCUREMENT PLAN Certified International Advanced Procurement Professional (CIAPP)




1. Follow     up   timely   preparation   of     technical or any other recognized procurement professional certification is
specifications/ToRs ; eligible.
2. Prepare tender documents;
3. Receive and safe keep bids documents; A transition period for professional certification requirement is three
4. Participate in opening and evaluation session of bids; (3) years starting from 01st January, 2021. However, a new entrant
without the   required professional certification for   a given job
PRODUCE TENDERING REPORTS AND position shall not be eligible, one (1) year before the expiration of
Required competencies and Key technical skills
1. Ensure proper Contract administration
3. Organize and participate in contract negotiation; Understanding of public procurement laws and procedures;
4. Draft contracts for successful bidders; Experience of working with E-government, procurement
5. Follow-up contracts execution and completion in system or other procurement software;
collaboration with the contract managers; Knowledge of procurement techniques as well as in market
ENSURE THE FILING AND REPORTING Resource management skills;
Analytical skills;
1. Act   as Secretary to   the institution’s tender Problem solving skills;
committee. Decision making skills;
2. Produce periodical reports on procurement activities; Time management skills;
3. Ensure the filing of tender documents; Risk management skills;
4. Ensure   a proper and   safe filling system   for Results oriented;
procurement information; Digital literacy skills;
Fluency   in     Kinyarwanda,   English   and/     or   French.
Knowledge of all is an added advantage.
2 HRM 1 MONITOR NPSC RESOLUTIONS Bachelor’s   Degree in Human   Resources Management, Public
Monitoring & 1. Prepare M&E action plan; Administration,     Administrative   Sciences,   Monitoring   and
Evaluation 2. Establish monitoring and evaluation guidelines, tools Evaluation, Management or Business Administration.
Officer and mechanisms for NPSC resolutions; Required Competencies and Key Technical Skills
3. Work closely   with concerned staff   on pending
resolutions; Resource management skills;
4. Follow up on timely basis the implementation of Analytical skills;
NPSC resolutions by the concerned Public Institutions; Problem solving skills;
5. Develop and strengthen external and stakeholders Decision making skills;
relationships to ease the implementation, Time management skills;



6. Make follow ups on the outcome and provide advice Risk management skills;
on the way forward Results oriented;
TO     ENSURE   EVALUATION   OF     NPSC Digital literacy skills;
RESOLUTIONS Fluency   in     Kinyarwanda,   English   and/     or   French.
1. Organize   meetings between NPSC   and public Knowledge of all is an added advantage.
Institutions on pending resolutions;
2. Produce monthly, quarterly and annually reports on
the status of the NPSC resolutions for submission to
concerned authorities;
3 Documentation 1 FILING DOCUMENTS Advanced   Diploma (A1) in   Library Sciences, Library   and
& Archives 1.Receive and filing documents, Information Studies, Documentation, Archival Studies, Archives,
Officer Organise the documentation and the archives of each Information Management,   Office Management or   Arts and
unit; Publishing or Bachelor’s Degree in Library Sciences, Library and
2. Analyse   and transmit the   corresponding reports Information Science, Documentation, Archival Studies, Archives,
stating Information Management,   Office Management or   Arts and
3. Enter documents into Database using the available Publishing.
4. Index   and file documents   according to the Required Competencies and Key Technical Skills
documentation policies, rules and regulations;
5. Identify   and propose documents   for National Knowledge of integrated document management;
Archives Services; Knowledge of archive management software;
MANAGE PERIODICALS Knowledge of   the documentation management system
1. Ensure the subscription for periodicals; (DMS);
2. Collect the official Gazettes regularly; Resource management skills;
3. Ensure that periodicals are supplied and dispatched Analytical skills;
to the users timely; Problem solving skills;
4. To circulate information on articles published; Decision making skills;
MANAGEMENT OF THE LIBRARY Time management skills;
1. Work with the users and identify the required Books Risk management skills;
for purchase; Results oriented;
2. Process the request for the purchase; Digital literacy skills;
3. Ensure Books are given reference numbers safely Fluency   in     Kinyarwanda,   English   and/     or   French.
kept; Knowledge of all is an added advantage.


  1. Lend out text books to the users and make sure they are returned timely;



4 Professionalism 1 AUDIT Bachelor’s Degree   in Human Resource   Management, Human
& HRM audit 1. Prepare concept notes and participate in the Human Capital     Development,   Public   Administration,   Administrative
officer Resource Management Audit in public institutions and Sciences, Management or Business Administration.
provide appropriate recommendations to the audited
institutions; A professional certificate/course and experience in auditing is an
2. Conduct   post-recruitment audit activities   and added advantage.
provide appropriate recommendations to the audited
institutions; Required Competencies and Key Technical Skills
3. Work closely with HRM Monitoring & Evaluation
Officer for proper implementation of recommendations Resource management skills;
related to Human Resource Management Audit and Analytical skills;
regularly report progress; Problem solving skills;
Decision making skills;
AWARENESS Time management skills;
1.   Participate in the   review of laws,   rules and Risk management skills;
procedures manual   that govern Human   Resource Results oriented;
Management and   provide proposal of   amendments Digital literacy skills;
where necessary; Fluency   in     Kinyarwanda,   English   and/     or   French.
Knowledge of all is an added advantage
5 Professionalism 5 PROFESSIONAL PROMOTION Bachelor’s   Degree in Human   Resource Management, Human
Promotion 1.   Identify available documents   on professionalism Capital   Development, Management, Business   Administration,
Officer promotion and prepare assessment notes; Administrative Sciences or Public Administration.
2. To prepare concept nots according to identified gaps,
issues and trends and participate in the audit activity in A   recognized   human     resource   professional   certification or
public service on professional conduct and behaviour professional certificate/course and experience in audit is an added
and provide appropriate recommendations; advantage.
3. Ensure that all public institutions internally promote
professional conduct and behaviour at the technical and Required Competencies and Key Technical Skills
managerial levels through regular internal meetings;
4. In partnership with different stakeholders, to propose Resource management skills;
mechanisms of testing candidates during interviews on Analytical skills;
professional conduct and behaviour; Problem solving skills;
5. Ensure   public institutions conduct   due diligence Decision making skills;
before appointment of civil servants; Time management skills;
Risk management skills;
Results oriented;



AWARENESS Digital literacy skills;
6. Prepare and participate on the sensitization of public Fluency in     Kinyarwanda,   English   and/     or   French.
servants   on     laws   and   regulations   governing Knowledge of all is an added advantage.
professional conduct and behaviour;
7. Participate   in the review   of laws governing
professional conduct   and behaviour and   propose
amendments of identified gaps;
8. Work closely with HRM Monitoring & Evaluation
Officer for proper implementation of recommendations
related to professionalism and regularly report progress
6 Human 6 1. Analyze reports on staff recruitment competitions Bachelor’s   Degree in Law,   Human Resource Management,
Resource organized by public institutions and placement of staff; Management, Business Administration, Administrative Sciences or
Management 2. Assess   and analyse HRM   appeals and propose Public Administration.
Compliance appropriate resolutions in accordance with the laws and
Officer regulations; A recognized Human Resource Professional Certification in CHRM,
3. Conduct investigations on HRM appeals and provide PHRi, SPHR,   SHRM or any   other recognized HR   professional
appropriate decisions; certification is an added advantage.
4. Sensitize public on laws and regulations governing
H.R. Management   in Public Service   and produce Required Competencies and Key Technical Skills
5.   Conduct     assessment   on   Loss     incurred   by Resource management skills;
Government institutions due   to non-compliance of Analytical skills;
HRM; Problem solving skills;
6. Provide advice to the Commission’s clients on HRM Decision making skills;
laws and regulations; Time management skills;
7. Update a database of cases of HRM appeals for Risk management skills;
future reference. Results oriented;
Digital literacy skills;
Fluency   in     Kinyarwanda,   English   and/     or   French.
Knowledge of all is an added advantage.

Common competencies to all positions

  • Integrity;
  • Creativity/innovation;
  • Inclusiveness;
  • Accountability;



  • Communication;
  • Teamwork;
  • Client/citizen focus;
  • Professionalism;
  • Commitment to continuous learning.

Application procedure:

Qualified and interested candidates must send their application documents to the Executive Secretary of the National Public Service Commission, and the application must consist of an application letter, a well detailed CV, a copy of the National Identity Card, and non-notified copies of academic documents.

Application documents must be sent on as one document not later than 3rd May, 2021 at 5Pm. For more details please call 3999

Done at Kigali on, 21th April, 2021

Digitally signed by NPSC


Date: 2021.04.22 14:14:19


Angelina MUGANZA

Executive Secretary

National Public Service Commission



Kanda hano usome  itangazo ry’umwimerere



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