Improving Yourself Online Training Course, Russian Federation


16 July – 20 August 2021 | Online, Russian Federation

Within this course we aim to provide you with the key ideas, understanding and feeling of IMPROVISATION THEATRE as a tool for personal development, method in social work and approach to life in general. We believe, IMPROV is the way to IMPROVe your life!

The learning approach throughout the course is based on learning by doing which is understanding through feeling and experiencing. Which means, within this course we will be mostly practicing Improv via the variety of games being in a close knit and interaction with each other is a safe, trustworthy and friendly atmosphere.

Within this course we will altogether go through 6 sessions/principles of Improv:

  • Session 1. Connection
  • Session 2. Concentration
  • Session 3. Creativity
  • Session 4. Spontaneity
  • Session 5. Risks & Mistakes
  • Session 6. Storytelling

Within this course, we will provide the participants (youth workers/leaders/trainers) with the important key notions, ideas, feeling and understanding of IMPROVISATION THEATRE as a tool for personal development and method in social/youth work. This course is a deep general overview and introduction to IMPROV, aimed to discover and explore its potential and applicability as a tool for personal development and method in youth work. As a method, IMPROV gives the opportunity to develop any kind of trainings/themes. As a tool, IMPROV is effectively applicable in the development of all the important skills, attitudes and competencies essential for the youth workers/leaders/trainers.

And here’s the most shorted list of the Improvisation Theatre as a tool for personal development objectives:

  • Self-development in a wide range;
  • Raising self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • Raising self-awareness, self-expression, broadening emotional spectrum and developing EQ in general;
  • Developing the ability to take risks and greet mistakes;
  • Developing creativity, spontaneity and ability to react and adjust to any kinds of changing life situations;
  • Developing public speech skills and self-presentation;
  • Developing improvisation, acting, performance skills, interaction with the group in a wide range;
  • Relaxing and having fun!

We will meet Fridays (16/07, 23/07, 30/07, 6/08, 13/08, 20/08) from 19:00 till 20:30 CET in Zoom in a safe, trustworthy and friendly atmosphere to altogether via the variety of games explore and feel the Improv method, develop ourselves, IMPROVe our lives and just have fun!

The participation fee for all the course (6 sessions) is 60 EUR, which has to be transferred as a confirmation of your participation in case you have been selected. Please, fill and submit the application form here and after the deadline we will let you know the results of the selection.

For more detailed info, please, refer to the info-letter.
If you still have any questions, do write us!

Do you already know the 1st rule of Improv? Accept offers! Say “Yes”!
If you’re now reading it – accept this offer and join our course!
Let’s IMPROVe our lives and have fun together!

Available downloads:


Contact for questions:

Official website


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