Goldsmiths International Scholarships 2021-2022, London University, UK (Deadline: 31 March 2021)


Deadline for applications: March 31, 2021


The awards are worth £2,000, £4,000 and £5,000: Applicants who have accepted their offer for postgraduate taught and Graduate Diploma programmes may be eligible to receive awards of £2,000 and £4,000 Applicants who have accepted their offer for undergraduate degree programmes and International Foundation Certificate programmes may be eligible to receive awards of £2,000 and £5,000

Number available

Up to 35

Year of entry

2021 entry

Eligibility criteria

You must meet the general eligibility criteria and regulations. You must also be eligible to pay international fees and have accepted an offer on an eligible programme at Goldsmiths:

Application deadlines

Applications will open on December 1 and consist of two rounds.

If you apply by 31 March 2021, (23:59 GMT), you will hear back about your application on or around 15 April 2021.  If you apply by 17 May 2020, (23:59 GMT), you will hear back about your application on or around 1 June 2021.

How to apply

You can apply by completing our application form.

You will be sent instructions after you have been made an offer of an academic place at Goldsmiths.

Selection process

Successful applicants will be selected on a competitive basis.

Initial shortlisting by eligibility criteria will be completed by our Scholarships Co-ordinator. All applicants who meet the eligibility criteria are then forwarded to the next selection stage.

Applications will then be considered by an awarding panel. The panel will consist of representatives from Admissions, and the International Recruitment and Global Opportunities team. The panel will assess the applications based on your academic performance in your prior studies, and information given in the scholarship application. All panel members understand that applicants will have a broad range of differing skills, attributes and experiences.

Final award recipients and reserve candidates will be decided by the panel. Awards will be allocated across a range of subject areas and countries of domicile.

Source / More information: Official Website.


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