Fully Funded Chinese Government Scholarships at Jiamusi University 2021/2022


1. The Students Criteria for Scholarship

It is offered to the students who apply to study Master’s Degree or Doctoral Degree in Jiamusi University(Logistics management and Electronic Commerce could apply for bachelor’s degree).

2.The Duration of the Scholarship

Scholarship for students learning Chinese is to be offered up to one or two years;scholarship for students learning a certain major is to be offered up to 3 academic years.

3.Application Requirements of Scholarship for Master’s Degree

For studyingBachelor’s Degree, applicants under the age of25 must havediploma of senior high schoolwith excellent grades.

4.Application Requirements of Scholarship for Master’s Degree

For studying Master’s Degree, applicants under the age of 35 must have Bachelor’s Degree with excellent grades. (The applicants can not be studying in China while applying.)

5.Application Requirements of Scholarship for Doctoral Degree

For studying the Doctoral Degree, applicants under the age of 40 must have Master’s Degree with excellent grades. (The applicants can not be studying in China while applying

6.The Content of Scholarship

The Chinese Government Scholarships include the tuition, lodging, stipend andcomprehensivemedical insurance.

7.The Documents to be submitted for the Chinese Government Scholarships 🙁 two copies of each document)

1) Application Form for the Chinese government Scholarships(http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn)Agency No: 10222

2) The notarized highest academic certificate obtained. The notarial documents must be in English or Chinese.

3) Study or Research Plan in China(over 900 words).

4) Two recommendation letters from professor or associate professor(This material is not required to apply for undergraduate study).

5) “Foreigner Physical Examination Record” filled in English.

6)Passport copy.

8.Time and Procedure for Application

From now on, the applicants need to submit the application and send all the above materials by post to the Admission Office of International Student Education College of Jiamusi University. The deadline for application is March 30th, 2021

9.The Contact Information for Consultation and Register

Tel: 0086-454-8603918 Fax: 0086-454-8603918

Address: Room No.209, the Admission Office 209 of International Education College of Jiamusi University,No.258 Xuefu Street, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, China.

Post code: 154007

E-mail:jmsuadmission@jmsu.edu.cn (For applying self-paid study only)

jmsuadmission@163.com(For scholarshipConsultation only)

Website: Jiamusi University http://www.jmsu.edu.cn/

International Education College http://iec.jmsu.edu.cn/

For diploma verification of graduate international students:


Official Website


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