Fully Funded Belgium Government Scholarships 2022


Scholarship Overview

The Belgium Government Scholarships 2022 for the Academic year 2022-2023 is now open. The Government of Belgium is inviting International Students from all around the world to Study for Full-time Bachelor, Master Degree & Training Courses. 150 Scholarships as part of the Master’s program, and 70 Grants for Short Training courses. The aim of the Belgium Government Scholarship is to develop your skills. The Scholarship is Funded by the Government of Belgium and all the expenses will be covered.

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Scholarship Benefits

The Belgium Government Scholarships is a Fully Funded Scholarships for international students to Study Free in Belgium. The List of the benefits is given below.

International travel costsReceipts must be providedEconomy-class travel on an IATA-approved airline, with a maximum of one round-trip ticket per academic year.Living allowanceFlat rate1150 €/month for a duration of 12 months.Indirect mission feesFlat rate150 €. This amount is given once per stay, upon arrival of the grantee.Arrival allowance, tuition and return feesFlat rate700 €. This amount is given once per stay, upon arrival of the grantee.Registration fees At the current rate for DGD grantees.Insurance fees Directly paid by ARES.Travel costs that are part of inter-university trainingReceipts must be providedReimbursed based on real costs incurred, with receipts provided.

Scholarship Eligibility

Be a Citizen of a Developing country for Belgium Government Scholarships. If You Don’t know CLICK HERE

Be Under the age of 40 for Degree programs, and Under 45 for Training Courses, at the time the training is scheduled to begin.

Should Have Related Academic Background to apply for a relevant field.

The Duration is One Academic Year

Passive knowledge of English (reading) is required.


Available Fields:

If you are interested in studying abroad in Belgium then Please Check the following fields they are offering:

Bachelier de spécialisation en Business Data Analysis

Bachelier de spécialisation en pédiatrie et néonatologie

Master of specialization in development, environment, and societies

Master of specialization in human rights

Master of specialization in aquatic resources management and aquaculture

Master of specialization in risk and disaster management

Master of specialization in integrated management of health risks in developing countries (GIRISS)

Specialized Master in International and Development Economics

Master of Specialization in Transfusion Medicine

Specialized Master in Microfinance

Master of specialization in integrated production and preservation of natural resources in urban and peri-urban areas

Specialized Master in Public Health Methodology

Master of Specialization in Public Health Sciences – Research Methods Applied to Global Health

Master’s degree in Science and Environmental Management in Developing Countries

Master of specialization in transport and logistics.

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