Full funded scholarship of waivers for international students to study in Italy


Full funded scholarship of waivers for international students to study in Italy

Application details

The University of Bologna offers to deserving international students who wish to register for First Cycle, Second Cycle or Single Cycle Degree Programmes at the University of Bologna for A.Y. 2021/22:

  • study grants of €11,000 gross (Unibo Action 2);
  • tuition fee waivers (Unibo Action 1).

The study grants and the tuition fee waivers are assigned on the basis of SAT and GRE, and some TOLC tests, for one academic year.



You can apply for Unibo Action 1&2 if:

  • you are in possession of (or about to obtain) a valid qualification for access to your chosen degree programme, issued by an Institution outside of the Italian education system. Students holding a diploma issued by an Italian school established outside Italy can apply as well.
  • You will take one of the following tests by the application deadline:
    – if you are interested in registering in a First or Single Cycle Degree Programme, the SAT and/or TOLC test
    – if you are interested in registering in a Second Cycle Degree Programme, the GRE test.
  • You are less than 30 years old upon the deadline of the call for application.

The SAT, GRE and TOLC are aptitude and skills assessment tests which can be taken in authorised centres in several countries around the world and online (if this modality is offered by the managing institutions).You must register for the tests on the websites of managing institutions.

SAT And GRE tests are in English. TOLC test is available in English and Italian language.

You can find more information in the call for application


Timing and methods

Call for applications Unibo Actions 1&2 – SAT (for students who are interested in registering in a First or Single Cycle Degree Programme)

  • Publication of the call for applications: January 2021
  • Applications deadline: April 2021
  • Publication of results: May 2021

Call for applications Unibo Actions 1&2 – TOLC (for students who are interested in registering in a First or Single Cycle Degree Programme)

  • Publication of the call for applications: February 2021
  • Applications deadline: May 2020
  • Publication of results: June 2021

Call for applications Unibo Actions 1&2 – GRE (for students who are interested in registering in a Second Cycle Degree Programme)

  • Publication of the call for applications: January 2021
  • Applications deadline: March 2021
  • Publication of results: April 2021

The application must be submitted exclusively through Studenti Online.

Important: you must take the SAT, GRE or TOLC test by the application deadline. The only upcoming date to take the SAT outside the U.S.A. is 13 March 2021, with registration deadline on 12 February 2021.

Remember to send your scores to the University of Bologna selecting the codes 6993 for the SAT test and 7850for the GRE test.

According to the order of the ranking, winners will be assigned Unibo Action 2 study grants until all the grants are used up. Next, winners in the subsequent positions will be assigned Unibo Action 1 tuition fee waivers, until the entire budget is used up. It is not possible to receive both benefits.


Renewal of Unibo Action 2 study grants and Unibo Action 1 waivers awarded in A.Y. 2020/21

The University of Bologna offers Unibo Action 2 study grants and Unibo Action 1 waivers for A.Y. 2021/22, reserved for students who were awarded the same benefits for A.Y. 2020/21.

In order to obtain the renewal you must apply by the deadlines set in the call for applications, be in possession of the requirements set in the call for applications and be placed among the winners in the ranking list. Renewals are not awarded automatically.


Official Website


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