Field Environment Associate at UNHCR: Deadline: May 08, 2023



Mission and objectives

The Office of the UNHCR was established on 14 December 1950 by the UN General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems world-wide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. It strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another State, with the option to return home voluntarily, integrate locally or to resettle in a third country (

The UNHCR Representation Office in Rwanda principally manages a refugee population (mainly refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo who have been on the Rwan-dan territory since 1996 and Burundian refugees who have been arriving in the country further to the volatile situation in Burundi since April 2015) as well as a significant re-turnee population of Rwandan refugees returning after many years in exile.

It is com-posed of the Branch Office in Kigali and Field Offices in Huye, Gicumbi, Rusizi, Rubavu, Karongi, Kirehe and Kabarore. It hosts approximately 155,749 refugees in three proracted refugee camps, namely Nyabiheke (managed by Kabarore Office) Gihembe (managed by Gicumbi Office) as well as Kiziba (managed by Karongi Office), three new refugee camps, namely Kigeme and Mugombwa (managed by Huye Office) as well as Mahama (managed by Kirehe Office), and urban settings (Kigali and Huye). Since April 2015, UNHCR is also supporting two additional reception centers in Bugesera and Nyanza districts for Burundian refugees.

The existing transit center in Rusizi (Nyagatare Transit Centre) that was receiving Rwandan returnees has also started functioning as a reception center for Burundian new arrivals. As of December 2013, Rwanda hosted approximately 74,000 Congolese refugees. 99% of the refugee caseload is predomi-nantly composed of refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), with 84% originating from North Kivu and 11% from South Kivu.


The Field Environment Associate reports directly to the Head of Field Office based in Huye. S/he may receive indirect guidance from other sections and units relevant to Environment and Energy based at the branch Office. Protection and Solutions are the key focus of the office with Cash Based Interventions (CBI) and Livelihoods as strategic priorities. The incumbent will need to have strong proven leadership and communication skills to implement Environment and Energy strategy as well as to interact with Partners and authorities as needs arise.

Task description

• Monitor the implementation of the environment and sustainable energy programme within the district hosting refugees camps and in transit center.

• Assess and identify appropriate sources of alternative energy for cooking, lighting, and electricity in collaboration with all actors, including private sector, development agencies and governmental institutions.

• Contribute to the design of specific projects and pilot energy for cooking, lighting, and powering, including renewable energy, with a view towards enhancing self-reliance, education, and protection.

• Work in multi-sectoral team and enhance the linkage of Energy with Environment, Protection, Shelter and Settlement, Public Health and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

• Monitor and coordinate all sustainable energy activities.

• Identify, establish, and link with relevant organizations to ensure the effectiveness of accessibility to sustainable energy for both refugees and the surrounding areas.

• Work in multi-functional team approach and work in close collaboration with pro-gramme and other technical experts, to ensure energy-based interventions are ap-proached from a cross-sectoral perspective.

• Assist the Operation to ensure that the minimum best practices are met and align with health and safety standards across.

• Contribute to the documentation of the project development including monitoring, testing, trouble shooting, lessons learnt, and solutions applied to assure institutional knowledge development.

• Maintain an effective communication channels between all key stakeholders and promote information sharing among actors.

• Participate in necessary assessments in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to in-form interventions.

• Work closely with stakeholders and provide technical assistance on environment and energy interventions to ensure these project implementations are sustainable, and the role of UNHCR has been strategically determined in consideration of its comparative advantage vis-à-vis other partners.

• Liaise with partners and authorities on environment and energy related issues under the technical guidance of the supervisor.

• Prepare field reports and other relevant reports relating to environment and energy and make recommendations for interventions that enhance the living conditions in the camps as well as in the surrounding areas.

• Perform other related duties as required.

Eligibility criteria


27 – 80


Candidate must be a national or legal resident of the country of assignment.


Required experience

3 years of experience in Knowledge and understanding of policies on Environment and regulations on energy. Knowledge of environment management, renewable energy, including financial, regulatory and/or policy frameworks, renewable energy financial management (including community involvement and capacity issues), renewable energy business development (including busi-ness planning, entrepreneurship development). Experience of cost recovery systems, meter-ing, energy audits and comparative analyses of fuel and energy systems.

Area(s) of expertise

Energy and environment , Engineering and construction

Driving license



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