Environmental & Social Safeguard Expert Under Contract at MOE-SPIU OPERATIONS: Deadline: Feb 8, 2023


Job Description

• Support the comprehensive stakeholder consultation process related to the project’s logical framework and provide inputs the stakeholder engagement for the program to be included as part of the ESMP.
• Complete the environmental and social safeguards screening of the program and identify the possible environmental and social risks and impacts, identifying mitigation strategies to anticipate, minimize and compensate
• Develop the relevant Environmental and Social Management Plan based on the results of the ESS screening and following WB, GCF and GoR Environmental and Social Safeguards policies applicable for the program.
• Close follow up of the development of studies that VCR will undertake
• Organize technical workshop to review and validate ESF related project documents and studies;
• Organize and supervise participatory environmental monitoring and auditing within project site in collaboration with Project monitoring and evaluation (M&E) Specialist, and the Community Development/engagement Expert
• In collaboration with the Project TL and the M&E Expert organize Steering Committee Meetings (twice by year) and National Technical Advisory Committee (quarterly basis);
• Perform any other activities directly related to the project objectives that will be assigned by the program Coordinators.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Master’s Degree in Geography

    5 Years of relevant experience

  • Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences

    5 Years of relevant experience

  • Master’s Degree in Natural Resources

    5 Years of relevant experience

  • Master’s Degree in Agriculture Economics

    5 Years of relevant experience

  • Master’s Degree in environmental economics

    5 Years of relevant experience

  • Master’s degree in forestry Management

    5 Years of relevant experience

  • Master’s degree in Environmental Science and Technology

    5 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

  • Knowledge of Donor’s social safeguard guidelines

  • Time management skills

  • Extensive experience in strategy development, planning, reporting and communications;

  • Previous experience in rural planning, environmental management and environmental and social safeguards

  • Experience in mainstreaming climate change adaptation and mitigation measures into development interventions

  • Communication, reporting and writing skills

  • High presentation and reporting skills

  • Communication and reporting skills

  • Co Experience with social/ environmental safeguards, preferably with World Bank, AfDB, EU and other Donor’s funded projects

Click here to apply


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