Director of National Archives Services Unit at Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy kubantu bize Library and Information Sciences with specialization in Archives; Archives and Record Management;Archives and Documentation;Archives:Deadline: Mar 11, 2022


Job Description

1. Coordination of activities and Supervision of staff of the Unit
 Define with the staff the plans and projects to be presented to the Deputy Director General,
 Coordinate and supervise the execution of the activities of the unit in accordance with the mission and objectives of the Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy with regard to archives services;
 Develop long-range planning for National Archives services, including programs and services, staffing, budgeting, building and public relations;
 Coordinate awareness-raising and promotion activities on archives and records management with public, private and civil society institutions ,
 Coordinate all major reports, proposals, contracts, or grants related to the National Archive Services;
 Coordinate day to day management of the National Archives and evaluate the staff;
 Analyze and recommend major records and archives management programs and policies to the Deputy Director General regarding the services, programs and systems, including public policies, buildings, Fonds-development, finance, technology and public relations;
 Supervise the development of the National Archives as a permanent memory of Rwandan Government and its institutions;
 Develop strategies to improve the management of the human resources of the unit, in particular with regard to the recruitment, training and retention of highly qualified and experienced staff;
 Implementation of the mission and the goals of Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy with regard of Archives Services;
 Any other duties assigned to him/her.

2. Coordination of the implementation of plans, strategies and projects and evaluation of results,
 Coordinate the implementation of the strategic orientations merging the National Archive Services and the National Library Services in permanent cultural heritage and collective memory of the nation as well as in the supreme center of knowledge on Rwanda, its citizens and the history of its governance;
 Assesses records and archives management needs of the Country and implements programs to meet those needs.
 Coordinate the promotion of archive services delivery to the population.
 Develop a risk management plan for archives

3. Coordination of the implementation and application of national laws, policies, regulations, strategies and international standards,
 Supervise and monitor compliance of public institutions (Ministries and Agencies) to the records and archives management policies and guidelines (GoR File plan and Records Retention and Disposal Schedules);
 Coordinate, implement and monitor the relevant national policies, guidelines, programs and strategies related to records and archives management;
 Search for and inform competent organs about cultural heritage unlawfully exported or kept beyond the designated time abroad for their repatriation to Rwanda.

4. Promotion of professionalism in the field of archives, documentation, and contribution to research activities in the field of archives,
 Promote professional associations of documentarists and archivists and consequently report on implementation of specific academic programs;
 Develop and implement a continuing education plan for department staff, based on the performance needs of the department and update it regularly;
 Supervise the professional workshops, trainings, congresses, seminars;
 Develop internship programs;
 Contribute to researches in library and information fields.

5. Provide advice to the management on archives matters.
 Work with a wide range of stakeholders, enhance professional associations in Rwanda and internationally; to develop and promote the professions of archivists, librarians and documentarists in Rwanda, Africa and in the world.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Archives

    Experience: 3

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Archives and Documentation

    Experience: 3

  • Master’s Degree in Archives and Documentation

    Experience: 1

  • Master’s Degree in Archives

    Experience: 1

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Archives and Record Management

    Experience: 3

  • Master’s Degree in Archives and Record Management

    Experience: 1

  • Master’s Degree in Library and Information Sciences with specialization in Archives

    Experience: 1

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

  • Knowledge of archives and record management systems and maintenance

  • Knowledge of technologies in archives

  • Knowledge and experience of principles, processes, general concepts and technics in archives preservation and conservation, physical or digital

  • Knowledge of principles, standards, methods used in archives and record management

  • Knowledge of national and international standards of archives processing, preserving and availing

  • Knowledge of national legislation governing the archives and privacy of people and organizations

  • Gacaca archives preservation skills;

  • Knowledge and understanding of content and context of the archives;

Click here to apply



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