Development Scholarships in Czech Republic 2021 – 22


This scholarship is directly offered and administered by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University with a generous contribution from the Charles University and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports respectivelly. The scholarship is designated and available for students from developing countries and countries going through a process of political and economic transition.

What is on offer

The scholarship is administered as a one-time lump-sum payment of CZK 75 000 (approx. EUR 3 000) to selected students to support the student’s necessary living costs. There is no tuition fee waiver as a part of the scholarship.

For the academic year 2021/2022 a total of eight scholarships is expected to be awarded. Although we would like to continue the development scholarship scheme annually, this is a subject to every-year re-evaluation. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that similar scholarships will be available for students’ in the forthcoming years

Who is eligible

The scholarship can be awarded to students studying in one of Faculty’s fee-based study programmes in one of the first three years of study for Bachelor’s programmes or first two years of study for Master’s programmes. This means the application can be submitted by current students in the first or second year of Bachelor’s studies or first year of Master’s studies, or by a fresh applicant to any of our fee-based programmes.

The applicants have to be from developing countries or countries going through a process of political and economic transition and have to state their needs of the financial support within the application.

Financial terms and conditions

The successful scholarship holder will receive payment at the start of the Winter semester, no later than one month after they register for their studies and fulfilment of other prerequisites. The main prerequisite for the scholarship payment is the student’s prior payment of tuition fee for the Winter semester. No money will be paid in advance of the student’s arrival in Prague.

The scholarship is awarded on a year-to-year basis. Therefore, students have to submit a new application each year.

Scholarships will not be offered for the third year of study (Master’s degree) or the fourth year of study (Bachelor’s degree) under any circumstances.

Students who intend to make parallel applications for both the International Visegrad Fund scholarship and our Development Scholarships are free to do so. Nevertheless, it is our policy that we will not pay out a Development Scholarship to someone who is also receiving funding from the International Visegrad Fund


Application submission

The deadline for scholarship applications is April 30, 2021.

The application has to be submitted complete (with all necessary documents), and all submitted documents have to be originals and written in the English language, or accompanied by certified translations.

The application has to be submitted to:

Kateřina Frídlová (Hollar Building, room 217)
the International Office
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
Smetanovo nabrezi 6
110 01 Praha 1, Czechia.

Scanned copies sent by email can be considered as a temporary measure in specific cases. However, originals have to be delivered as well. The final decision regarding such applications cannot be made until originals have been received.

Application has to include the following documents:

  • completed application form
  • motivation essay of no more than 1000 words, explaining why you need a scholarship, and what you hope to gain from your studies at Charles University
  • two letters of recommendation from teachers, who know you from your previous studies, including confirmation of your financial need (for fresh applicants for our programmes)
  • one letter of recommendation from a Charles University academic who knows you from your studies at the Faculty, including confirmation of your financial need (for current students of our programmes).

IMPORTANT: All scholarship applicants who are fresh applicants for one of our programmes HAVE TO also lodge an online application for their selected study programme and note the name of the programme on their application for a scholarship. Without this, their application for a scholarship will not be considered.

Selection of applicants

The Scholarship Review Board will assess all complete and eligible scholarship applications received by the deadline. The students selected to receive scholarships will be recommended to the Dean of the Faculty for the final decision.

The decision of the Board will be independent of the Admission Committee decision. However, only students finally admitted by the Faculty are eligible to become scholarship holders.

In addition to the documents submitted by scholarship applicants, the Scholarship Review Board will take into consideration applicants’ results from their previous studies. Priority will be given to students who have not previously had the opportunity to study abroad.

The Dean will make a final decision regarding the students to be offered scholarships. The Dean will not enter into correspondence with unsuccessful applicants regarding this decision.

Should you need further information, please email us:

Official Website


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