Credit Monitoring Manager at BPR Rwanda:Deadline:09/14/2023, 07:00 PM


Job Purpose:

Responsible for tracking and reporting on day-to-day customer performance of individual credit facilities and loan portfolio to ensure early warning signs are identified, investigated and action is promptly taken to address situations where credit risks have, or could, move outside risk appetite or there is potential to deteriorate further.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Provide the daily system credit monitoring and management reports, identify delinquent accounts with irregularities and proactively follow up to ensure corrective action is taken in line with credit policy.
  • Review of the entire portfolio is carried out with an emphasis on the following for day-to-day monitoring purposes: arrears amount and days of borrowers, excess on limits, expired and expiring limits, follow-up on restructured loans which are to be kept under cooling period in observation of BNR regulation.
  • Provide the slippages review report: ensuring mitigation of the loan portfolio deterioration through daily communication with the business units, a review of the vintage analysis reports, and monitoring of loans near downgrade point.
  • Provide the report on monitoring of the insurance renewal period for collateralized loans & covenants tracking.
  • Follow up with the business units if the annual reviews for loans are being done and share the report.
  • Perform portfolio risk management by continuous follow-up of sectoral concentrations, Single Obligor Limits, etc.
  • Prepare required reports indicating the bank’s loan status for submission to the management on a monthly basis.
  • Ensure the analysis and reporting of Overdrawn accounts reports are carried out

Educational qualifications and work experience:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in a business-related field.
  • 3+ years of experience in credit in the banking sector.

Click here for more details & Apply


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