Cranfield University Advanced Chemical Engineering Professor’s Scholarship in UK


Achieving net zero and reducing pollution is a global priority. Resulting from these priorities, significant changes are taking place in the power generation, energy and waste management sectors, both across the UK and around the world.

Funding value£10,825 (UK) and £11,075 (Overseas) towards tuition fee.

Suitable for Applicants fromUK, EU, Rest of World

Deadline 13 Jun 2022

Funding provider(s)Cranfield University

What it covers

Full fees for UK student – 50% fee bursary for an Overseas student

Who can apply

Home or Overseas students eligible. Must have a very good first degree in an appropriate science or engineering subject.

Applicable courses

Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc

How to apply

To apply you will need to complete a supporting statement and provide a CV (combined into a single pdf).

From your supporting statement and CV you will then be invited to an interview.

Apply now

It is recommended that you submit your application at the earliest opportunity. Successful applicants will be notified within three weeks after the relevant closing date.

Official website


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