Consultancy to Conduct Final Evaluation FS/BMZ Project Byumba at SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda : Deadline: 23-04-2021


Expression of interest

Consultancy to conduct Final evaluation FS/BMZ PROJECT BYUMBA

 These Terms of Reference (TOR) serve as a request for proposals from individual or company consultants who are interested in conducting a final evaluation of Family Strengthening BMZ PROJECT BYUMBA. Details regarding contents of proposals and submission procedures are explained herein.

SOS Children’s Villages RWANDA is a non-governmental social development organisation that has been active in the field of children’s rights and committed to children’s needs and concerns since 1979. It acts as officially registered organization which aims at supporting children without parental care and children of families in difficult circumstances. SOS Rwanda is an active member of the international umbrella organization SOS Children’s Villages International. SOS CV Rwanda has its projects and programs in four locations: Kigali, Byumba, Kayonza and Gikongoro. These projects and programs are mainly financed by SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit, SOS Denmark and BMZ which is financing FSP Kigali and Byumba. SOS Rwanda cooperates on the project site with various governmental and non-governmental partners.

From January 2017, a project jointly funded by BMZ and HGDF has been implemented in Rukomo Sector, Gicumbi District and supported 300 families with 1,464 children. In order to identify the impact of the project to beneficiaries and community members, SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda is seeking to recruit an external consultant to conduct a final evaluation of BMZ Project Byumba. The project has an overall objective of improved household income and economic self-sufficiency of families in Rukomo.

Purpose, Objectives and Use

The overall objective of this evaluation will be to determine the impact of the FSP Byumba implemented with BMZ support in the period from 1 January 2017 to 30 April 2021.  This will be done through the provision of information on whether the objectives of the project have been achieved, by collecting quantitative and qualitative information on the objectively verifiable indicators in the matrix indicator/log frame.

The specific objectives of the evaluation are:

  • To assess what changes has the programme made in the lives of the participating children within our target group, their families and their communities
  • To assess how relevant, effective, efficient sustainable and participatory are the programme interventions.
  • To document what lessons can be drawn from the programme that can be taken to further develop the programme
  • To evaluate what changes have happened due to programme interventions in the wider community.
  • To evaluate the efficiency of the project in relation to beneficiaries, cost and timeframe of the project.
  • To assess achievements against the target set using the indicators
  • To assess the sustainability of the project (institutional, social, financial, etc.) especially related to activities of the project
  • To analyze the design and logic coherence of programme and programme intervention including the design of log frame and how the intervention is embedded into the strategy of SOS Children’s International.

Expert profile of the Evaluation team

Individual consultants or firms with competencies in this domain who fulfil all requirements to carry out this study are eligible.

  • The consultant must have:
  1.  Proven competency in monitoring and evaluation, including impact assessment or project evaluation
  2.  A university degree in social sciences, development studies or economy, project planning and management background
    c.    A good understanding of development work
    d.    A good understanding of child rights and issues affecting vulnerable children
    e.    Good facilitation and interpersonal skills
    f.    Proven experience in participatory processes and data collection methods
    g.    Strong skills in coordinating teamwork
    h.    Strong analytical and conceptual skills
    i.    Excellent written communication skills
    j.    Ability to transfer complex concepts and ideas into practical and simple language
    k.    Ideally experience in organising research processes with/for SOS Children’s Villages

Detailed terms of reference are available on the SOS CV Rwanda website:

 Tentative time table

Detailed description of milestones and deadlines from the first activity until the end of the contract

# # of weeks and Dates Actions Success indicator Comments
1 1st week

3 -7 May 2021

Hold a first meeting with the client and defining of the contracted volume of work The volume of work agreed and the contract is signed by both parties
Prepare the action plan for the evaluation process indicating the exact dates of visiting the location Plan is prepared and approved by SOS Rwanda
Finalise the list of the basic documents to be provided to the evaluation team. If translation is needed define the documents for translation List of the documents to be translated is finalised and sent for translation
Analyse all available basic project documents (BMZ-proposal, reports, BMZ-guidelines, concepts, etc.) Evaluation team received the documents in time










2nd week


10- 14th May 2021









Develop set of tools (interviews, questionnaires, focus group scenarios etc.) The set of tools is defined and approved by SOS Rwanda
2nd meeting with the client and discussion of the methodology and tools to be used during evaluation Methodology and tools are defined and approved by SOS Rwanda.
Prepare and submit to NO schedule of site visits mentioning all required documents to be prepared in the location. Schedule is approved by SOS Rwanda and received by the location. All required documents are prepared by the location.  









3 3rd week and 4th week


17-28th  May2021

Develop and finalise with the location the visit plan with the defined local stakeholders, SOS location workers, stakeholders in the location, beneficiaries in the location. Visit plan is agreed with the location, final visit plan (if needed) is received by the evaluators
Make a visit to the project location Evaluators are in the location
Hold meetings with all relevant parties as per the visit plan Questionnaires are filled, focus groups and interviews are documented

5th week  2021 31 My-4 June 2021

Provide and analyse project documents in the location Evaluators possess all required documents in the location
Analyse all data and prepare the draft report indicating the findings, recommendations, lessons learnt Draft report is prepared and shared with SOS Rwanda
3d meeting with the client and discussion of the preliminary results of the evaluation Feedback from NO is received by the evaluators







6th week 7-11 June


Make the final draft report The final draft report is received

7th week 14-18th June 2021

Provide feedback for the final draft report from SOS Rwanda and insert in the final draft Feedback is received by evaluators and inserted in the final draft
Prepare and send the final draft to SOS Rwanda The final draft received and approved by SOS Rwanda in the final draft and the final draft received by SOS Rwanda

Expression of interest (EoI) should contain the following:

For Technical Proposal:

  • A Cover letter expressing interest in this assignment.
  • The complete technical proposal shall not exceed 10 pages (excluding CVs). If the maximum page lengths are exceeded, the content appearing after the cut-off point will not be included in the assessment
  • It should be formatted; font type Arial, fond size 11, the offer should be drawn up in the English language.
  • The CVs shall not exceed 4 pages.
  • Company or business registration certificate
  • References and recommendations of similar works executed by the company in Rwanda or elsewhere outside of Rwanda.
  • VAT registration certificate if available
  • Latest tax clearance certificate
  • Proof of payment of tender submission fees equivalent to (30,000 Rwf) Thirty thousand Rwandan Francs payable on SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda account number: 400418314910177 entitled SOS-CV RWANDA TRUST opened in BPR

For the Financial Proposal:

For financial proposal indicates the price supported by the consultancy to conduct this Final Evaluation of the project. The cost must be in RWF and VAT included. Well written bids must be sent electronically to the following e-mail no later than 23 April 2021 at 3:00 pm, local hours.

Please note that any application and relevant documents submitted in hard copy will be rejected.


Done at Kigali on 1st April 2021


Jean Bosco Kwizera

National Director

SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda


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