Communication Officer at RUZIZI III Energy Limited : Deadline: 23-07-2021


Job Description – Communication Officer


The Communication Officer (CO) will support REL in the day-to-day activities related to preparation and implementation of Communication Strategy and Communication Action Plan (CAP) for Ruzizi III Project.


  • Direct Report: E&S Manager
  • Subordinates: Project Team
  • Internal: Project Director, Board of Directors, Project Steering Committee, Project financing team
  • External: Peoples and organizations impacted by the implementation of the project (Landowner, land users, etc.) owners (IPS/Scatec), contractors incl. consultants


1.    Communication strategy and Action plan 

a) Conduct a Communication Environment Assessment for Ruzizi III project, including qualitative research of opinion leaders in the three countries (Burundi, Rwanda and DRC);

b)  Usingfindings from this assessment to prepare a communication Strategy for the Project. This will: a) identify key audiences in the three countries; b) identify the various media and means of reaching these audiences; c) establish a mechanism for information flow within these key audiences and with the project; d) ensure the advocacy of the project in the local, national, and regional media and e) identify areas of disclosure of information as the project moves towards implementation. The Communications Strategy should include a realistic schedule of communications activities along a timeline, linking to completion of key studies and components of the project;

2.    Development of communication materials

a)  Support the procurement process with advertising agencies for production of communication materials; Work closely with the advertisement agencies in the preparation and development of relevant communication materials for the targeted audiences including radio programs, booklets, posters and leaflets;

b) Ensurethat appropriate messages and information packages are made available during consultations with each key audiences;

c)  Work  closely with the project management to upload REL information in the web site with information blocks and links as they become available.

3.    Advocacy and Communication flow  

a) Preparea series of advocacy briefs and awareness raising materials to support REL management in advocacy efforts with a broader range of stakeholders, both public and civil society on the merits of the Ruzizi III project;

b) Maintainand Expand linkages with public and media networks and take appropriate action as necessary to ensure that Ruzizi III Project is positively reported in the local, national and regional media.

c) Establish communication focal points in each district/commune/zone to ensure rapid communication at all levels and that views/concerns of affected communities are taken into consideration.

d) establish a hotline mechanism through the channel of the district/communes/zone focal points and other accessible media (radio, suggestion box)

e)  Support the project to establish a mechanism for collecting and managing complaints from the PAPs with the established grievance mechanisms in each country.

f)  In collaboration with the Ruzizi III Environmental and social team, organize village meetings for consultation and information sharing. Consultations must be documented and linked to communications products such as but not limited to web stories, videos, summaries of public consultations, and media site visits…

g) In collaboration with Environmental and social team, conduct interviews of the PAPs for the purpose of gauge their level of confidence, acceptance, opinion, and concerns.

h) Support  in the documentation of success stories and other themes that can be used in communication campaigns.

4.    Project coordination

a)  Supportto monitor and evaluate the results of activities carried out;

b)  Coordinatecommunications activities with the REL.

c)  Workingwith REL, partners and country counterparts in the three countries to make regular progress reports to the Project Director on audiences reached, messages and information packages prepared, and observations of changing perceptions based on media reports and public discussion.

d)  As requested, assist in facilitating communication and inter-country coordination between key ministries and stakeholders in Burundi, DRC and Rwanda on Ruzizi III Project development communication related issues;

e) Identify communication risks as they arise, working with others on the Ruzizi III team to fashion plans to address information gaps, misunderstandings or perceived shortcomings related to the project.

5.    General Responsibilities and Modes of Conduct

a) Collaborate  with Environmental and Social Manager as well as Ruzizi III Project staffs, to ensure project integration/coordination and achievement of overall project objectives related to the Communication Environment Assessment, Communication Strategy and Communication Action Plan (CAP).

b) Ensure effective day to day liaison and communication with Stakeholders and REL regarding the delivery of the agreed-on outputs.

c)  Update REL Management on progress made and seek advice about challenging situations; Ensure the project is developed to meet the legal requirements of the Contracting States, Lenders and Owners.


The officer will report to the Environmental and Social Manager who will supervise his/her work with copy to Project Director.

The CO will work on a full-time basis. He/she will coordinate closely with REL Environmental and Social Project Manager on objectives, deliverables, and work methodology.

On an output basis, the CO will be expected to submit:

a)    A detailed progress report each month;
b)    A Communication Environment Assessment report, based on qualitative opinion leader research in three countries;
c)    A Communication Work Plan;
d)    An updated Communication Strategy for REL;
e)    A complete stakeholder analysis and database.


The appointment of the CO will be for a period of 2 years subject to renewal/extension, as needed. The Communication officer will travel within the project area and work on the project site. Women candidates are encouraged to apply.


  • Recognized technical expertise in development communications, use of participatory approaches at all levels (Regional, National and Community), preferably in complex projects with tangible positive impact on project design.
  • At least 5 years of work experience in participatory approaches with a range of stakeholders or at least 3 years of experience in communications focusing on the community development, political, and cultural dimensions of cooperation among groups.
  • Advanced training (Bachelor’s degree level or higher) in communications, journalism, community development, public relations, political science, or related field.
  • Experience with adapting complex topics to a level that is effective for obtaining feedback and consultations with a wide variety of audiences. Experience with development/participatory communication or behavior change will be an asset.
  • Excellent consensus-building, multi-cultural, and inter-personnel skills. Strong team building and mentoring capabilities. Knowledge and skills in the use of consensus building tools will be an asset.
  • Ability to work and communicate effectively with a variety of people, including local communities, the civil society, media, and government agencies.
  • Excellent writing, analytical, presentation, and reporting skills.
  • Fluency in spoken and written English and French. Fluency in another regional language like Kinyarwanda, Kirundi or Kiswahili and familiarity with at least two of the countries is an asset.
  • Good computing skills, including knowledge of software packages for word processing, databases, and spreadsheets. Familiarity with modern communication systems (such as Internet, worldwide web, email, etc.).
  • Experience working with or in international and donor organizations is an advantage.
  • Experience working in the region of the project is essential.
  • Willing to work and stay within the project area, as the work demands.


Interested candidate should send their applications at ( and upload application documents including Curriculum Vitae, copies of degree certificates and professional certificates, motivation letter, names of three previous supervisors (as one document) as well as their emails and telephone.

Only online applications shall be considered.

Address all applications to the Project Director of Ruzizi III Energy Ltd.

Deadline for application: Friday, July 23rd , 2021.

Due to expected high volume of applications, ONLY shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Done in Kigali, July 6th, 2021


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