Child Rights and Inclusion Technical Advisor at National Council Of Persons With Disabilities (NCPD) Under Contract :Deadline: May 6, 2024


Job responsibilities

Under the Direct Supervision of the Executive Secretary of NCPD, The Job Holder will be responsible for the following functions and tasks: Coordinate the monitoring of the implementation of the national policy of persons with disabilities, with a focus on interventions related to Children with Disabilities • Provide guidance to Government institutions on inclusive disability mainstreaming across sectors • Coordinate all programs, projects and initiatives implemented within the NCPD and its partners related to Children with Disabilities through Disability Coordination Forum, Community Based Rehabilitation and District Disability Coordination Committees; • Monitor the implementation of the National Partnership on Children with Disabilities in Rwanda;

• Coordinate the data collection of Children with Disabilities through Disability Management Information System (DMIS); • Provide technical guidance to partners on proper mainstreaming of children with disabilities; • Analyze fields, monthly, quarterly and annual activities reports. Ensure coordination and cooperation with partners involved in the welfare of children with disabilities • Map of all partners engaged in the welfare of Children with Disabilities and their interventions; • Provide regular technical support to ensure the partners plans and budgets cater for needs of children with disabilities; • Coordinate the inclusive de-institutionalization of children and young adults with disabilities in residential centers;

• Organize and coordinate regional and international conference/workshops/seminars/meetings around children with disabilities; • Negotiate MoUs and other agreements with partners involved in the welfare of children with disabilities; • Supervise the elaboration of projects aimed at mobilizing funds to support children with disabilities; • Supervise the evaluation of annual partners’ activities involved in the mainstreaming children with disabilities; • Analyze requests of new partners who will work for Children with Disabilities and recommend the ES/NCPD to provide recommendations by Rwanda Governance Board (RGB); • Recommend corrective measures against defaulted partners to competent authorities;

• Facilitate partners to access adapted equipment and other devices designed for Children with Disabilities and facilitate its distribution to the beneficiaries; Coordinate advocacy activities for inclusion of Children with Disabilities • Develop messages and produce communication materials for families, community and local authorities to fight social norms, stigma and discrimination against children with disabilities and their families; • Support community outreach awareness raising and sensitization campaigns to combat stigma and discrimination against children with disabilities and their families; • Organize national advocacy event (annually) to strategically influence allocation of more resources to improve accessibility to services (eg: health, education, social protection and social care …) at all levels; • Initiate and support for the development of NCPD advocacy plan for inclusion of Children with Disabilities; • Ensure implementation of mainstreaming guide in different partners; • Provide technical support for the mainstreaming Children with Disabilities in different service providers.

Coordinate the prevention and mitigation of causes of disabilities among children with disabilities • Initiate strategies to prevent disabilities; • Support in the researches around Children with Disabilities; • Supervise partners involved in the prevention and mitigation causes of disability; • Ensure the availability of assistive devices and inclusive technologies for children with disabilities. Promote Community Based Inclusive Development • Monitor the implementation of community based inclusive development program; • Ensure compliance of laws on social benefits for Children with Disabilities; • Initiate strategies that promote the welfare of Children with Disabilities; • Ensure the inclusion of Children with Disabilities in social protection programs;

• Initiate and promote socio-economic programs for parents having children with disabilities; • Link children with disabilities with existing services; • Conduct trainings of community-based volunteers and community leaders for support to children with disabilities and their families • Establish peer-support groups for mutual psychosocial support and parental/ caregiver skills’ upgrading to care for children with different disabilities in families and community daycare settings

IV. QUALIFICATIONS: The Applicant should have Masters’ Degree in Disability studies, Management, Development Studies, Project management, International Law, Planning, Public administration.

V. WORKING EXPERIENCE The Applicant should have working experience of at least five (5) years in the project related to children with disabilities, or 5 in managing social or economic empowerment projects or programs targeting Persons with Disabilities, for which 3 years should be at a management position. She/he should also demonstrate extensive experience in key issues hindering the welfare and mainstreaming of children with disabilities with comprehensive knowledge of policies and laws protecting persons with disabilities in Rwanda. The Applicant should also have knowledge of results-based management (RBM), SMART IFMIS, Strategic planning processes and tools and having computer skills. Working knowledge of the activities of other Public Institutions should be an added value.

VI. VALUES AND PRINCIPLES FOR THE POSITION The applicant should respect the following values and principles: 1. High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy 2. Efficient, effective and economic use of resources 3. Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services 4. Devotion and serving public interest 5. Accountability for administrative decisions 6. Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information 7. Customer Care 8. Time management 9. Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment. 10. Decency and integrity.

VII. KEY COMPETENCIES FOR THIS POSITION The applicant should demonstrate the following key competencies in order to run for this position: 1. Strategic Leadership and Orientation 2. Analytical Skills 3. Problem Solving 4. Decision Making 5. Time Management 6. Mentoring and Coaching 7. People Management 8. Resource Management 9. Teamwork 10. Project Management 11. Creativity/Innovation 12. Risk Management 13. Diplomacy

Minimum qualifications
    • 1

      Master’s in Project Management

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 2

      Master’s Degree in Public Administration

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 3

      Master’s Degree in Management

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 4

      Master’s Degree in Development Studies

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 5

      Master’s Degree in Planning

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 6

      Master’s Degree in International Law

      5 Years of relevant experience

  • 7

    Master’s degree in Disability Studies

    5 Years of relevant experience

    Required competencies and key technical skills

      • 1

      • 2
        Resource management skills

      • 3
        Analytical skills

      • 4
        Problem solving skills

      • 5
        Decision making skills

      • 6
        Mentoring and coaching skills

      • 7
        Time management skills

      • 8
        Risk management skills

      • 9
        Project formulation and funding skills

      • 10
        Creative thinking skills and solution-oriented attitude

      • 11
        Demonstrated effective leadership and managerial/ administrative skills

      • 12
        Having Three (3) years of relevant working experience in leadership positions for Master’s

      • 13
        Familiarity with project implementation procedures and guidelines

      • 14
        Experience of at least five (5) years in the project related to children with disabilities, or 5 in managing social or economic empowerment projects or programs targeting Persons with Disabilities, for which 3 years should be at a management position.

    • 15
      Demonstrate extensive experience in key issues hindering the welfare and mainstreaming of children with disabilities with comprehensive knowledge of policies and laws protecting persons with disabilities in Rwanda.

    Click here for more details & Apply


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