Call for Applications: Hackathon for Telehealth Digital Tool Development at Ministry of Health in partnership with UNFPA: Deadline:28 June 2024


The Ministry of Health in partnership with UNFPA are excited to announce a call for applications to be part of a hackathon aimed at developing an innovative telehealth digital system (webbased with a mobile application) to enhance the healthcare system, acting as a functional bridging tool between health centers and hospitals. As a way to reduce the preventable maternal mortalities, the tool will serve as a way to increase the access to comprehensive abortion services. This hackathon is open to everyone, emphasizing on young innovators. It will bring together developers, designers, innovators and healthcare professionals to create a home grown digital solution supporting the enhancement of the health and lives of Rwandans. The sole intellectual property of the developed product/solution will remain under the Ministry of Health Rwanda

Event Details
Date: 03- 12 July 2024
Application Deadline: 28 June 2024


Innovators will work on developing a product addressing at least 2 of the following challenges:
1. Remote consultations: the product must include functionalities that accommodate virtual
consultations between nurses at health centers and doctors at a district hospital. This
can be via chat, video call or voice call, with recordings and exportation functions.
2. Health Monitoring: the product must include functions that allows uploading and sharing
of patient demographics, images and other relevant attachments to make an informed
3. Data management: the product should allow for generation and exportation of reports,
by health facilities, hospitals and a third-party institution
4. Data security and privacy: the product must implement a complex high level security
feature and algorithm to ensure data security and privacy

Hackathon Mode

Well-rounded innovator teams of 3-5 members will be given an opportunity to work in one
physical space for 8 days to create a digital solution addressing the challenges and
incorporating the required functional and non-functional requirements. Applicants who apply individually, regardless of expertise, will be strategically teamed up with other like-minded individuals based on the proposal submitted from the application.
Who should apply? We welcome applications from developers and programmers, designers, healthcare professionals, innovators and start-up entrepreneurs with a passion for improving healthcare through digital interventions. The Terms of Reference provide a clear profile of recommended applicants


The best solution will receive a financial grant to contribute to their innovative aspirations.
All hackathon participants will receive certificates of participation, a daily allowance, mentorship as well as an opportunity for networking and collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Rwanda Biomedical Center and other health experts.

How to Apply

Interested teams or individuals can apply by sending a proposal, not more than 2 pages, to outlining the functional and non-functional requirements of the product within the Terms of Reference, with emphasis on how the product addresses the challenges mentioned above. Applications should be submitted by 28 June 2024. Only
shortlisted applicants will take part in the hackathon.

Shortlisting and Judging Criteria

Submissions will be shortlisted to 5 finalist groups who will take part in the physical hackathon based on:
● Innovation- originality and creativity of the idea
● Impact- potential to improve reproductive and maternal healthcare access and delivery
in Rwandan communities
● Feasibility- practicality and scalability of the digital solution
● Design- user experience and interface design
Contact us
For more information or any queries, please contact us at:


Click here to visit the website source


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