Beekeeping Expert at Enabel | Kigali : Deadline: 15-03-2024




Enabel is the Belgian development agency. It implements Belgium’s governmental cooperation. The agency also works for other national and international donors. With its partners in Belgium and abroad, Enabel offers solutions to address pressing global challenges – Climate Change, Urbanisation, Human Mobility, Peace and Security, Economic and Social Inequality – and to promote Global Citizenship. With 2,100 staff, Enabel manages about 200 projects in twenty countries, in Belgium, Africa and the Middle East.

Its staff members in Brussels and overseas embody the commitment of the Belgian State and other development partners to international solidarity.

Enabel is preparing the implementation recently signed a five-year bilateral cooperation program (2024 – 2029), with a total budget of 95 million euros, in three priority development sectors in Rwanda: health, agriculture, urbanization and support in public financial management.

Aligned with the national priorities and strategies for transforming the agricultural sector, Enabel intends to contribute to sustainable food systems in Rwanda and will integrate a new value chain – beekeeping – while assuring continuity on the value chains of focus under PRISM (pig, poultry and animal feed). The agriculture program strives to contribute to the sustainable and inclusive transformation of the Rwandan food system by integrating 3 key dimensions namely 1) food security and nutrition, 2) decent rural and urban job creation and income, 3) environmental sustainability and climate resilience.

Beekeeping in Rwanda has been practiced for decades years through successive generations and along inherited patterns. However, the activity has basically been traditional and of subsistence in nature, where honey was used as a food product for home, medicine and for brewing traditional liquor. Low productivity and quality are important constraints. The potential for production of honey and beeswax is huge but the quality is still far below international standards. There exists a big potential for exporting honey and beeswax as its demand in the world market is very high especially organic certified honey.

Apart from a direct source of income. beekeeping plays an important role in natural resources management as well as improve livelihoods of vulnerable communities by offering opportunities to pollinate crops, regenerate and improve pastures and forests. Beekeeping is favorable to vulnerable communities because of the value attached to its products, low upfront costs, low maintenance, environmental conservation, high ecological benefits and does not compete for space with cultivation of crops. It is considered as one of the key sectors with potential for growth, employment creation, enterprise development and income earning opportunities in Rwanda.

The overall objective of the project/intervention is to make sure that the beekeeping industry’s contribution to inclusive economic growth in Rwanda is enhanced. Namely, quality honey produced in an environmentally sustainable manner leads to increased market penetration. Complementarity of synergies action will be sought with Agroforestry and Landscape management interventions (TREPA and COMBIO)

The beekeeping component under the new Enabel Smart Agriculture, Agroforestry and Landscape management portfolio, is expected to improve the beekeeping value chain through enhanced quality of production, value addition of bee products and strengthen trade and market access to local, regional and international markets.

In support of the implementation of the Agriculture Intervention, Enabel is looking for a Beekeeping Expert (f/m): 

Location: Kigali, Rwanda.

Duration of the contract: Open-ended employment contract – local contract according to the Rwandan labour law.

Expected starting date: July 2024

Salary package according to our salary grids (class 6 – Sector and Thematic Expert):  From 3.509.819 RWF monthly gross salary depending on the number of years of relevant experience. 


Under the direct supervision of the Intervention Manager in close collaboration with the partners institutions, the Beekeeping Expert will support the development of the beekeeping sector in achieving the following expected outputs: 1) The technical, organisational and business capacities of the value chain actors are improved, the management of bee reserves and apiaries enhanced, leading to overall increased performance of the sector. 2) Governance and organizational capacities of producer groups / cooperatives are strengthened and the structuring of the overall value chain(s) reinforced 3) Market access and trade of bee products strengthened 4) Value chain financing of bee product is further developed


  • Contribute to implementation of the beekeeping component (project) in line with Enabel implementation standard.
  • Contribute to the development of a vision for the sector, the elaboration of approaches, methods and tools, in close collaboration with key public partners MINAGRI, RAB, RFA, NAEB, existing sector organisations and private sector stakeholders
  • Support the development of implementation tools.
  • Contribute to preparation and execution of calls for proposal, support the development of direct grant agreements (action proposals), subcontract service providers through tenders under the supervision of the international beekeeping expert;
  • Provide technical support and coordinate project implementing partners to ensure that activities are implemented according to grant agreements,
  • Support project implementing partners with planning and budgeting based on grant agreements,
  • Provide technical review of project reports and on technical specifications for procurement following stipulated procedures and reporting formats,
  • Set up a field monitoring plan with project implementing partners and carry out field visits for technical backstopping and implementation support,
  • Collaborate with project implementing partner teams and experts to identify capacity gaps and strengthen the capacities of the key actors along the beekeeping value chain,
  • Coordinate /manage in close coordination with the international beekeeping expert contracts for technical consultants and provided input for or developed different ToRs for outsourced pieces of work.


Required qualifications and experience:

  • Allowed to work in Rwanda
  • Minimum Master’s degree – in Apiculture, Entomology, Animal science, Veterinary science, Biology;
  • At least 5 years’ experience in Apiculture, bee products development and production;
  • Excellent knowledge of beekeeping techniques and products; training and facilitation skills;
  • Strong network with local or regional/ international experts on apiculture to demonstrate up-dated knowledge trends in apiculture;
  • Experience with development projects /interventions;
  • Experience in natural resource management will be an asset;
  • Experience in agriculture value chains development will be an asset;

Required skills and knowledge:

  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Community engagement skills;
  • Familiar with the management of group dynamic processes;
  • Monitoring and evaluation competences;
  • Pro-active results-oriented management;
  • Fluent in spoken and written English, knowledge of French will be an asset.
  • Team player
  • Proactive, engaged and a self-starter.
  • High level of rigor and integrity
  • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team.
  • Able to fit in a collaborative governance mindset (Self responsible, accountable, authentic communication …)


Applicants fulfilling the above-mentioned criteria are invited to submit their application documents through the following link by clicking the “Apply now” button including detailed Curriculum Vitae (max 5 pages), a motivation letter and a copy of University degree(s). Submit the full file not later than 15th March 2024Only applications sent through the indicated channel will be considered.

Enabel never requests money to be part of any of the recruitment process.

Enabel is committed to equal opportunities and diversity in its workforce. We do not discriminate on the basis of gender, origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability status or any other factor other than competence. 

Only successful applicants will be contacted. 

Done at Kigali, February 27th, 2024 

Resident Representative, Enabel Rwanda


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