ASEAN Countries Admission Scholarship at The Chinese University of Hong Kong


The College provides a full range of scholarships and bursaries to award students with outstanding performance (there are special scholarships for students studying in Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Arts, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of Translation and The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care) and support students with financial difficulties.

Lee Woo Sing College has set up admission scholarship to award non-local undergraduates who are from the member countries of ASEAN with outstanding academic results. Regulations governing the award of the scholarship are detailed below:

Name of the Award

The Scholarship will be named “ASEAN Countries Admission Scholarship” and in Chinese「東盟國家入學獎學金 」

Number and Value of Scholarship

There will be two non-renewable scholarships of HK$20,000 each to be awarded per annum. The total amount is HK$120,000 (from 2021/22-2023/24, consecutive three years).

Selection Criteria

To be eligible for the Scholarship, candidates should

Be a full-time Year 1 non-local undergraduate from the member countries of ASEAN including Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam;

Choose Lee Woo Sing College to be the first choice in College affiliation; and,

Have excellent academic results at entrance such as public examinations accepted by Office of Admissions and Financial Aid of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Administrative Procedures

The Scholarship is open for application or the College may nominate suitable candidates based on the above selection criteria;

All applications and nominations will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration;

The scholarship recipients may be required to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK;

The scholarship recipients must attend the scholarship presentation ceremony or else the scholarship will be given to the first alternate; and,

The Scholarship will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

Application Procedures

The College will make announcement to students when the application of admission scholarship is open.

Please provide all necessary documents together with your applications.

Nomination by Faculty or College members is also accepted. If the application is by nomination, a support letter from Faculty or College member has to be included in the set of the supporting documents. You can download the “Support Letter” here.

Applications will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration.

Official website


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