Apply the Scholarship of Mike Giannulis Grant in the United States (Deadline:1March 2021)


Apply the Scholarship of Mike Giannulis Grant in the United States (Deadline:1March 2021)

Application details

Scholarship Overview

Mike Giannulis Grant is currently open to the most talented students for the academic year 2021/2022. It is financial aid for candidates who want to enrol for an advanced college course or university course.

Scholarship Benefits

The scholarship winner will receive an award amount of $1000 for undergraduate study.

Scholarship Eligibility

             Eligible Countries: US students Acceptable Course or Subjects: The scholarship will be awarded in any subject stream Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria: A student could be a senior in a high school or at present accepted at a familiar college or for that matter a university He or she could be a freshman, sophomore, as well as a junior student currently enrolled at an accredited and recognized educational institution to become qualified for the Mike Giannulis grant money



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