Apply the Scholarship at Leiden University LUSTRA+ 2021



Apply Scholarship at Leiden University LUSTRA+ 2021

Application details

You can apply for a LUSTRA+ scholarship if you are a Bachelor or Master student and want to study, conduct research, or do an internship at an institution or company outside Europe.

DeadlineTwo weeks before the start date of your LUSTRA+ periodTarget groupBachelor, MasterCountries/ nationalitiesDestination countries: All countries outside Europe, except TurkeyScholarship typeInternship, Study, ResearchFacultyArchaeology, Humanities, Medicine/LUMC, Governance and Global Affairs, Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Science, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsontwikkeling en Nascholing (ICLON), African Studies Centre, International Institute for Asian Studies

LUSTRA+ applications under COVID-19 restrictions

Official permission is mandatoryGiven the corona outbreak and subsequent restrictions, the application for a LUSTRA+ scholarship is different than usual. If you want to apply for a scholarship, you must first request permission for study-related activities abroad. Without official permission you will not be eligible for a scholarship. After approval of your request you can send an email to, after which you will receive a link to the application form.

For who?

You must be a registered as a Bachelor or Master student at Leiden University.

Eligibility requirements

  • Your  study, internship or research must be a fully recognised part of your study programme at Leiden University and approved by your programme’s Board of Examiners.
  • Your LUSTRA+ period must be a minimum of 14 days and a maximum of 12 months.  Holidays prior to/after your studies, research or internship are not included.
  • You may apply for a LUSTRA+ scholarship more than once. LUSTRA+ funding may be awarded for a maximum of 12 months during your bachelor’s programme, and 12 months during your Master’s programme.

Read the LUSTRA+ rules and regulations carefully in advance.


  • During your stay abroad you must continue to pay the statutory tuition fee to Leiden University.
  • Directly after your LUSTRA+ period you must write a report about your stay abroad and submit this to your faculty’s International Exchange Coordinator. See report template.
  • Within two months of completing your LUSTRA+ period, you must complete a LUSTRA+ Scholarship Statement, have it signed by your International Exchange Coordinator, and submit it to:
  • You must submit all required documents on time, before, during and after your LUSTRA+ period. Failure to do so will result in you being obliged to repay your LUSTRA+ scholarship.


    You cannot be awarded a LUSTRA+ scholarship if:

    • Your LUSTRA+ destination country is on the Erasmus+ country list
    • You are eligible for funding from the Sustainable Humanities Scholarship (Stagefonds Duurzame Geesteswetenschappen) for your period abroad. Check this with your International Exchange Coordinator.


    There are four award amounts available, depending on the length of your stay abroad:

    14 to 30 days €200
    31 to 90 days €300
    91 to 210 days €450
    211 days to 12 months €650

    Note: These are one-off award amounts. Not amounts per day, week or month.


    It is currently not possible to apply directly via this page for the LUSTRA+ scholarship!

    1. See above ‘LUSTRA+ applications under COVID-19 restrictions’ for application specifics.
    2. Print and sign the application form, before submitting it online.
    3. Draw up a project proposal OR ask your programme’s Board of Examiners to sign a learning agreement for you.
    4. Show the above-mentioned proposal/learning agreement to your faculty’s International Exchange Coordinator, and ask him/her to sign your printed LUSTRA+ application form.
    5. Send a scanned copy (in one PDF file) of the printed and signed LUSTRA+ application form  to
      Note: Applications in multiple PDF files cannot be processed.

    Note that both the online and hard copy application must be submitted at least two weeks before your intended LUSTRA+ period.


    The LUSTRA+ scholarship was created by Leiden University to encourage students to gain international experience and specialist knowledge outside Europe.


    The Scholarships Department of Leiden University is responsible for the administration of the LUSTRA+ Scholarship, but it is at all times the responsibility of the student to ensure that the application form is complete. Applications that are not signed by the International Exchange Coordinator will not be processed.

    Scholarships Team – Student and Educational Affairs (SEA)+31 (0)71 527


  • Official Website


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