Apply the ANU Game Change Fund Supporting Climate Change Research in Australia



Each year the Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions may offer up to two awards known as the ANU Game-Changing Climate Research Supplementary Scholarship (“the award”).  The objective of the award is to support the emerging generation of bright PhD scholars from rural and remote areas to contribute to game-changing climate change research, adaption and mitigation outcomes.

Field of study

Climate Change


The award will be available each year to a prospective (or continuing, within the first 6 months of commencing the PhD) student who is:

  1. a domestic or international student; and
  2. enrolled or enrolling full-time in a program of study for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Australian National University; and
  3. undertaking a PhD project related to climate change, supported by a developed project brief; and
  4. awarded, and continues to hold, an approved ANU HDR base stipend scholarship, at minimum RTP base rate.


The award covers the following costs:

  • A supplementary scholarship to cover costs of daily living to be paid in fortnightly instalments, unless otherwise stated in the offer letter.

Leave Entitlements

  • Paid medical, maternity and parental leave is not applicable to this award.
  • Unpaid leave of absence on personal grounds, which does not exceed a total period of twelve months during the tenure of the award, may be granted, after which the student may resume the award.

How to apply

Candidates apply for the Doctor of Philosophy program in the appropriate Research School, and award applications shall be called for with a closing date as set by the Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions.

Applicants should submit their CV, project brief (including supervisory arrangements) and a short (1 page maximum) outline of your background and why this scholarship is important to you taking into consideration the selection criteria detailed below. These documents are to be emailed to ICEDS prior to the closing date.

Selection will be made on the basis of:

  1. academic merit and potential based on their academic record, referee reports and other evidence; and
  2. relevance of the PhD project, and the capacity of the supervisory team to support research excellence; and
  3. applicability of the potential outcomes of the PhD project to solve challenges presented by climate change; and
  4. the academic performance of the prospective PhD scholar.
  5. the potential for the prospective PhD Scholar to actively engage with decision-makers with regards to their research project may also be considered.

Preference may be given to applicants who satisfy one or more of the following criteria:

  • Emerging students (under 32 years of age)
  • Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or from Pacific Island Nations
  • From rural and remote areas
  • Financial hardship.

Further information

Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions –

Official Website


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