Apply Scholarships at Big Blanket Dream Big in the USA: (Deadline 15 April 2021)


Apply Scholarships at Big Blanket Dream Big in the USA: (Deadline 15 April 2021)

Application details

Apply for Big Blanket Dream Big Scholarships in the USA. The deadline for this application is 15th April 2021.


At Big Blanket Co we believe everyone – regardless of — ethnicity, background and income level — should be able to dream BIG. We envision a future where prospects, opportunities and access to essential needs like education are more readily available to everyone than they are today. That’s why we’ve created our DREAM BIG SCHOLARSHIP.


  • Applicant’s household must have a combined gross income under $50,000
  • Moreover, must be enrolled at an accredited college or university in the United States in an undergraduate or graduate business program
  • Likewise, be a legal resident of the United States or hold a valid student Visa, Also, must complete and submit essay and application to by October 15, 2020 (Fall Semester) or April 15, 2021 (Spring Semester)
  • Also, be able to provide proof of college or university enrollment upon request
  • Additionally, should be able to provide proof of household income upon request
  • Furthermore, only one entry per student is permitted
  • Must not be an employee of Big Blanket Co and associated companies




  • In 500 words or less, provide a response to one of the following three topics:
    • Explain how you plan on using your education in business to help bring positive, equitable change in the United States.
    • Also, Discuss one to three different ways that the greater business community in the United States can contribute to equitability for underserved communities and groups.
    • Discuss ideas for bringing about greater access to education within your own community.

Once you have completed your essay, please email it to and include your full name, address, phone number, your combined household annual income, and the name of the educational institution you are attending. Also, please send the document in Microsoft Word format.


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