Apply Scholarship at Waseda University in Japanese Government 2021


Apply Scholarship at Waseda University in Japanese Government 2021

Application details

Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems (IPS) Waseda University has been selected for the International Priority Graduate Program (PGP) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

The PGP program, which was created by MEXT to support programs which have international appeal to foreign students, provides priority allocation for government financed foreign students.

Students should apply for the scholarship to IPS. IPS selects students and recommend them to the Japanese Government. The program will continue from 2021 to 2023. A detailed outline of the selected program and the application procedure are as follows.

   Program Fostering Innovative Leaders in IoT Society
   Number of Students Approx. 6 for Master’s Program
   Application Period January 6th – 15th, 2021* Postal mail must reach IPS office by January 15th, 2021
  • Examination fee must be paid within the designated period from December 24th, 2020 to January 15th, 2021. For more details, please refer to IPS Admissions Guide.
  • To apply for this special program, both application documents 1. MEXT and 2. IPS should be submitted.     Applicants are required to meet all qualifications stated in MEXT Application Guide and IPS Admission Guide.
1. MEXT Designated Form

MEXT Application Guide

Application Form for Japanese Government

Field of Study and Research Plan

Application Form for IPS Entrance Examination

2. IPS Designated Form

IPS Admission Guide

IPS Application Form 2021

Please send your complete application documents to

Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems (IPS),
2-7 Hibikino, Wakamatsuku. Kitakyushushi,
Fukuoka 808-0135 JAPAN
Attn: Admissions Office
* Please clip each document of 1.MEXT and 2.IPS and mail them together.

If you have any inquiries

Please send us an-email stated in MEXT Application Guide.
* IPS office will be closed from December 26th 2020 to January 5th 2021 for Winter Holiday.
We are unable to answer any questions during the period.

For Your Reference

Here is the recorded information session for “Fostering Innovative Leaders in IoT Society”

Online Info Session_20201210 Online Info


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