Apply Scholarship and awards at University of Brighton Sports for international student in UK: (Deadline 15 January 2021)


Apply Scholarship and awards at University of Brighton Sports for international student in UK: (Deadline 15 January 2021)

Application details

Apply for the University of Brighton Sports international awards in UK. The deadline for the application is 15th January 2021. The scholarship is for Bachelors degree.

These are for students who have reached a national level of competition or performance and have the potential and dedication to reach world-class performance level.


Elite athletes / Elite disabled athletes scholarships

  • You should have reached a junior or senior national level of competition or performance and have the potential and dedication to reach world-class performance level (or equivalent) in your sport.
  • Also, you should have been accepted on a University of Brighton course or be a current student of the university, or a directly funded course at a partner college.

Talented sports performers scholarship

  • You should have represented your sport at national or regional level or be able to demonstrate that you have the potential to compete at these levels (please note county representation is not a sufficient standard).
  • Likewise, you should have acceptance letter from a University of Brighton course or be a current student of the university.


Elite athletes / Elite disabled athletes scholarships

  • Financial support (up to £1000 for the academic year)

Talented sports performers scholarship

  • Financial support (up to £500 for the academic year)

Both receive the following benefits:

  • Free access to the university sport facilities
  • Also, performance T-shirt
  • Also, access to workshops (nutrition, fitness training, technique analysis and sports psychology)
  • Similarly, strength and Conditioning support
  • Sport Science support
  • Physical Performance testing
  • Reduced rate access to physiotherapy support
  • Also, reduced rate access to sport massage treatments
  • Additionally, a mentor to help with lifestyle management
  • Access to University of Brighton sports coaches (where available)
  • Likewise, links to external clubs through our extensive partnership network

About the University

The University of Brighton is a public university based on four campuses in Brighton and East-borne on the south coast of England. Its roots can be traced back to 1858 when the Brighton School of Art was opened in the Royal Pavilion. It achieved university status in 1992. The University focuses on professional education, with the majority of degrees awarded also recognized by professional organizations or leading to professional qualifications.



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